This course has taught me many things about myself and who I am as a tutor. When beginning this course, I was not sure what to expect from the overall class. I knew that I enjoyed helping others and I find myself to be a strong leader, so this course would be enjoyable for me. I expected myself to be a tutor who was helpful and friendly, and I hoped to be the best tutor I could be. Becoming the tutor I am today took time, and there is still lots of room for development. Before starting this course, I certainly did not have well developed skills that are needed to be a great tutor. I have grown as a student and as a tutor throughout this semester, and I have even applied my knowledge from this course into other classes. I love helping others, …show more content…
The concept which I found most useful was B.F Skinner’s operant conditioning theory. His theory touched upon positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishments, which are are relative things to consider while dealing with students in a classroom. Positive reinforcement is rewarding the students for good behaviour, which is something I was constantly doing with my literary group while they were reading. After each students turn reading, I would compliment their good work to reinforce their confidence in reading aloud. Negative reinforcement is telling the students what they are doing is wrong so they can stop, in class I would point out the wrongdoings of a student so they have a chance to correct themselves. When a student is distracted while reading and not looking at the novel, I would quietly get their attention and point at the novel to show them they should be reading. Punishments are used to decrease a negative and unwanted behaviour. In class if a student acts up or continually does something wrong, then they are able to be punished in order to eliminate a bad behaviour. Overall, B.F Skinner’s concept of operant conditioning is something which I have used throughout the entire
With the tutor, well, it seems the tutor is more of a crutch.” (Tyler 191). The irony of a tutor supposedly having the most positive influence on a young adult becomes the complete opposite. Student’s comprehend the idea of learning adults can possess a negative influence which makes it important to learn not to rely or use adults
Being a part of my school’s peer tutoring program has been the most gratifying experience of my high school career. As a student, I can relate to those that struggle in a subject and are unable to connect with the material being taught in class. I have worked with students who have lost confidence in themselves because of the difficulty they were having in school. To be given the opportunity to assist students to reach their academic goals is fulfilling. As a peer tutor, I edit essays, share scholarship searches, assist with homework, and provide studying tips and test taking strategies. I enjoy working with my group to develop habits to be more successful.With each higher grade earned, test anxiety relieved, and confident smile of those that I help, I know that the work I am doing is
Being in this class gave me insight on the way that I learn. I’ve had my share of jobs along with schooling and various other learning experiences. Some good, some bad but I can honestly say that I never noticed the pattern on how I learn. Now I know I learn more by being more of a hands on person. Also utilizing my thinking and problem solving skills has helped with my growth. I also found it important to use my reflective observation too. Mostly combining different learning styles have helped me in life to understand the way I learn and the benefits that could come if I use my strengths to further my ambitions.
By doing Module 1 of this course I had opportunity to think about my career as a teacher. In order for me to improve learners’ learning I have to create for them appropriate environment using different teaching strategies in which every learner feels respected and safe. Learners need to know that learning has a purpose and what they are learning it is relevant to their lives. Also it is important to provide them with feedback regarding their progress on what they are trying to achieve, how far they are from the goal that was set. And how to achieve all I have to keep on trying new things and improving teaching skills. The actual teaching, classes I attended for this course gave me opportunity to better myself as a teacher. I learned about teaching principals from our teaching classes, later applied my knowledge in my actual teaching practice and also learned about teaching ideas through the web. From all these I understood that my development as a teacher should never end because teaching is a part of a life-long
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is seeking a Program Coordinator to assist in the coordination of academic support services at Rutgers School of Nursing.
However, I feel as those I did not understand how much work it takes to become a good teacher before the lecture. After the lecture, I feel as though I only caught a glimpse of the amount of effort needed to become a successful teacher. It was useful advice to seek mentors, peers, or former teachers to help you along your journey. Additionally, the fact that my idealistic version and fantasy of being a teacher will not be the same as the real experiences I will have. I will mess up and I will have to reevaluate my actions and lessons. All things I have never thought about
The best thing that came out of this learning experience is my appreciation for the younger grades. I always thought that I wanted to a third grade teacher, but I do not think I need to limit myself. I had so much fun just watching the kids all interact with one another and have so many different thoughts. They truly liked learning and thought of their teacher as almost a mom like figure. I hope to instill this in my future classroom and to be in a school system that is ready to help
I have grown as a reader, thinker and writer thanks to this course. These are the things that I have worked on and improved over the past couple of months and I feel that my work shows this. In no way do I mean to sound over confident, I know I still have plenty to learn. However, I am extremely surprised and proud of myself. I will admit I had thoughts of previously giving up, I allowed myself to focus too much on the negative. Now, however, I feel differently. I have learned through this course how to write, how to express myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don 't know. Most importantly, I learned to
Throughout the A+ Tutoring Program I have acquired numerous skills that have made me a better person. I am going to be honest, I have never really cared for children and I would consider myself a selfish person when it comes to other people's feelings. The Program has changed my outlook on things and I have learned to be sincere and patient when it comes to ALL of my second graders. In my opinion I have learned a skill from each kid in my class. They have taught me to always be alert because anything can happen in that room in a matter of seconds. To handle a situation I have obtained the skill of always remaining calm when something drastic happens. The only way to conquer a situation is by attacking it head on and solving the issue quickly
Interventions may include behavioral and cognitive strategies. “Behavioral interventions are means making certain that rewarding consequence follows desirable behavior and that either no consequence or punishing consequences follow undesirable behavior” (Kauffman 2005). Other intervention may include token reinforcement, response cost, and time out. Giving students choices in assignment can also be helpful.
In the beginning, I was not completely sure if this was what I wanted to do in life, but over time I became more confident in this grand goal and more confident in myself. Each course would teach me something new about education and about me personally. I am thankful for every educator who helped me along the way and showed me that I am not wasting my time with these classes and with this profession as a whole. My target is in sight and with a little more work, I will be making a change like I always dreamed. Every course I complete is another piece of a dignified puzzle and I am proud of the pieces I have gathered so
get the full effect of what they are learning whether it be in a novel in English class or a textbook
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
The clock was ticking slowly. The days were quickly passing. I could feel the sweat running down my forehead and sweet pink cheeks as I was walking to my first day of work. It was the beginning of September when I was going to have my very first job working as a homework tutor for the homework help center at the public library. Working as a homework volunteer has been the best job I ever had because I learned about responsibility, dedication to serving others and was working under a peaceful environment in which I was able to function.
I think this course has more prepared me for teaching in higher education through providing various perspectives and considerations around diverse challenges within a teaching and learning environment. This course taught about effective teaching practices that encourages a teaching professional to