
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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In the current year, many things have changed in the political world with some of them being welcomed by all and others not as much. While this paper is not specifically about the people holding political offices, I feel as though it is important to view their influence in these issues. The policy that I am going to discuss in this paper is gun control as I feel it is a hotly debated issue in the country today, especially after the incidents we have had throughout the recent years. Gun control has and probably will always be an issue that is argued for or against from all political sides, regardless, of your own beliefs one must look at the pros and cons of gun control to determine what is necessary. To address this, we must first look …show more content…

In comparison, speed limits are laws set in place by the department of transportation that were supposed to help slow everyone down and regulate the number of accidents caused by reckless driving. However, as many know you can speed without there being any immediate repercussions unless you are stopped by the police. The speed limits only work if the people follow the law and abide by these speeds. While gun control and speed limits are not necessarily related I think it is important to at least make that comparison in the mind, which further explains how laws are broken everyday by all kinds of people not just criminals. Addressing the cons of gun control is a lot easier for me as I believe that the extent that gun control needs to be implanted is minimal. Personally, I have never needed to defend myself using a firearm, but I have read about many different instances when having a firearm has saved someone’s life. I am not saying that all different types of guns should be allowed, but I don’t think that the gun control laws need to be any stricter than they are in the country today. No one truly needs a fully automatic assault rifle, I cannot think of a reason as to why it would be a necessary defense. However, I think handguns can be an excellent form of self-defense when used correctly and when owners are trained properly. There exist many different possible solutions to this problem, all depending on what extent we want to take to solve this problem, i.e.

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