
Gun Control : A Reality Essay

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Gun Control: A Reality The issue of gun controlled has for the most part, been a topic both within the public venue and of course, within our political speak. It mainly became the proverbial hot potato topic since the middle of the 1970’s and continues to be, mainly when there is a political assassination, a shooting within a military area or a work place, a school massacre or such public places as a school or restaurant. Then most people start yelling about stricter gun control laws, the pendants start speaking about the culture of violence that we have inherited here within the United States and the debate just gains a life of its own. The issue is very real and the deaths caused by guns is all too realistic to simply deny the fact that we need to do something more than what we are doing to prevent further ownership and the buying of such weapons of destruction. My paper will be a discussion of gun control and why I believe further restrictions should be made. Facts and Figures: Before I get into the pros and cons of gun control, we should look at some of the facts concerning gun ownership. It has been estimated that “the total number of guns both licit and illicit held by civilians in the United States is 270,000,000 to 310,000.” (Hoyet, p.1) Private gun ownership tends to be somewhat surprising. “It is estimated that “the rate of private gun ownership both licit and illicit in the united States is 101.05 firearms per 100 people. (p.1). Civilian ownership is

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