
The Plan For Aviation And Aerospace Industry

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Describing the blueprint of a particular aviation career
The aviation and aerospace is one promising front in terms of careers and opportunities. Just like any industries in the 21st Century, aviation and aerospace industry is a complex one that requires skilled labor in all of its ranks. The demand for the various job positions in the industry is motivated by both inadequate skilled personnel and the rapidly increasing demand for the airline transport. From the beginning, aviation opportunities were believed to be only piloting, engineering, and machine operator. Well, as that notion is gradually fading, more and more opportunities are springing up in the exponentially increasing airline companies (Goglia, 2014). These are air …show more content…

Finally, one needs to master their passion and to question the purposes for the career choice.
With the opportunities in the aviation industry in the open, it serves as a wakeup call for individuals to pursue career choices that are aligned to aviation and aerospace industry. Among all the choices in this industry, I particularly will single out one part of aviation system: the airline ground staff, most specifically, the air traffic controller.
The air traffic controller job
Air traffic controllers are one of the most important airline ground staff members, tasked with the role of “keeping airlines separated when flying under instrument flight rules” (Outlook, 2015). With the changes taking place in the air traffic control all the time, this front is believed to be one of the most lucrative job opportunities in the near future. It is a well-paid career with a minimum requirement of a standard four-year degree qualification.
The entry requirements for this post would have varied details between airline companies but the standard requirements are minimum distinction in secondary school certificate, with as in Math and English as well as eligibility to work in the country that hosts the airline company. In most cases, the respective airline companies provide training and certification programs for these positions.
However, before one is inducted into the air traffic controller programs, there are various aptitude,

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