
The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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In Oscar Wilde 's The Picture of Dorian Gray human nature is heavily discussed and explored, more specifically the idea that one can not deny who they truly are and that it will eventually affect them, or in the presented case bring their judgment. Throughout the text this concept is conveyed to the reader through various symbols. The book 's namesake, the painting of Dorian Gray, is the most prominent example of this symbolism due to its very peculiar quality. As any reader can tell, the cornerstone of this novel 's plot is the fact that Dorian has been given the very rare fortune of being able to suffer no detrimental effects to his beautiful appearance in real life due to his horrible actions while his painting bears these crosses instead. “But here was a visible symbol of the degradation of sin”(Wilde 93). As Dorian continues to become worse and loses any iota of morality, he maintains the appearance of an angel while the painting becomes a twisted, grotesque, and aged monstrosity that stands as a monument to all of his sins. In the beginning of the story Dorian meets the character Lord Henry, who removes Dorian from his state of naiveté. Essentially, Lord Henry makes Dorian much more aware of the world around him and teaches him a great deal about cynical philosophy and the indulgences of the physical world. This, combined with the great deal of praise the artist Basil Hallward gives to Dorian over his great physical beauty, leads Dorian into having a relatively vain

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