
The Influences In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

Decent Essays

In the book, The picture of Dorian Gray, Lord Henry influences Dorian in a lot of situations. During these influences, Dorian turns into what Lord Henry wants him to be. Lord Henry starts telling Dorian what to do and how to deal with bad situations. Some of the situations include Dorian comparing his friendship with Basil to his friendship with Lord Henry, Lord Henry telling Dorian that beauty is better than character, and Lord Henry telling Dorian to keep his youth to himself and be selfish with it. The first situation is when Dorian compares his friendships with Basil and Lord Henry. Lord Henry influences Dorian in this situation because Dorian starts to think that Lord Henry and him have a better friendship and that Lord Henry can tell Dorian more about life than Dorian and Basil have. Dorian starts believing Harry and then ends up killing Basil because Basil tells Dorian that Harry is a bad influence. “He had known Basil Hallward for months, but the friendship between them had never altered him. Suddenly there had come some one across his life who seemed to have disclosed to him life's mystery. And, yet, what was there to be afraid of? He was not a schoolboy or a girl. It was absurd to be frightened.” This quote tells us that …show more content…

When Harry told him this Dorian found Sybil. Dorian feel in love with sybil and went to watch her act. When he went to watch her act, he brought Lord Henry and Basil with him. At the end of the play Lord Henry told Dorian that Sybil did not act good. Dorian took that into consideration and told Sybil and broke her heart. “When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.” This quote shows us what Lord Henry thinks about Dorian loving Sybil. "It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But . . . it is better to be good than to be

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