The Perfect Gift
What is the Perfect gift? To you, it may be as simple as a book from a series that you wanted to read. Or it may be as complicated as the next new thing in the world of technology. My point is that we all have our different views on the perfect gift. My perfect gift, would be a 30-30 Winchester rifle with a lifetime supply of ammunition. In this essay I am going to give a description of my gift, why it’s important to me, and want I would do with it.
The 30-30 Winchester lever action has an American walnut stock with a blued finish. The gun has a loading port on the side to load ammunition into it. The barrel is twenty inches long with the whole gun being thirty seven inches long. The cartridge can hold at least five to six
firearm, which had a black grip and silver slide in a bush on the east side of A
The Winchester rifle made wars go a lot faster and a lot smoother, instead of shooting 1 shot and then reloading, you could shoot 15 shots before you reload.
The object, knowledge, or blessing that the hero acquired during the adventure is now put to use. The snorkeling goggles, called the mask, would be the Gift. The gift is something that will aid the hero in his quest and absolutely necessary. The mask had written on it the location where Nemo was being kept as "prisoner". The true gift was the information on the mask and is absolutely necessary. Marlin first found the mask when they were forced to enter the vegetarian sharks' pointless meeting.
IntroI am doing this report on the M1 Garand for Mr.Walker 182's History Class. The Garand is a fascinating World War II semi-automatic rifle. In the sub-sections below I will describe the developement history of the gun, the service history, and info on different versions. I wanted to add diagrams of the M1 rifle but the pictures are copyrighted and I was not able to download but the diagrams could be found at <a href=""> HistoryThe origins of the United States Rifle, Caliber .30, M1 begin around August, 1900, when Captain O.B.
One of the handguns used during WWI by the United States was the M1917 Revolver. The production of this revolver started in 1917 and spanned into 1920, and it remained in service until 1954. The barrel if the gun was a standard 5.5 inches while the revolver had an overall length of 10.8 inches. (Colt Model 1917) There
The Colt handgun is a PIstol, ranged from .36- .44 caliber, a steel handheld gun, with nearly the same distances as a regular musket. The .44 caliber colt handgun could reach about 25-50 yards further in all aspects, of shooting. The Colt was well known by everyone during the Civil war, and before. Each side had a version of a colt, there were 9 different versions, but all get the same job done. The
A firearm is one of the weapons that may be used when hunting. A firearm utilizes pressure produced from the burning of gunpowder to create gas. The pressure produced from the burning powder propels a projectile out of the barrel at a target. In rifles and most handguns the barrel has rifling on the inside of the barrel to make the projectile spin to travel better in the air. Rifling are groove that spin as they go through the inside of the barrel. Shotgun barrels are smooth and can fire “slugs”, a single projectile, or “shot”,
By 1863 the importation of foreign arms had stopped except for fulfilling contracts on Enfield rifles. By this time the domestic production of Springfield’s
The Union soldiers were more likely to carry the U.S. Model 1861 Springfield Rifle-Musket than any other weapon. These guns were not the easiest or most convenient weapons even if they were the most common. The Model 1861 was a .58 caliber gun, was 58.5 inches long, and weighed in at a heavy 9.25 pounds. This rifle was nicknamed "The Widow Maker." This nickname was made with great thanks to the minie` bullet which was an integral part of this rifle-musket. The combination of the rifle-musket and the minie` bullet forever changed the face of warfare; thus because for the first time ever, men could aim at a distant target, and have a decent chance of hitting it. This luxury allowed the gun-bearers to hide in a safe place, yet still be able to knock down their target. Colonel George Hanger, an American Revolution officer, wrote in 1814:
A firearm is a very complex tool that has grown in s verbal ways over several years, each version better than the last, all of which changing the world in a new way.All across the world and across several eras firearms have been used, firearms have also been the reason for wars and laws, as a very important part of our history it is appropriate that several facts are clearly stated.Back in the Han dynasty, under the leadership of emperor Wu Di, gunpowder was discovered. This particular document will include such topics such as the one previously stated and early firing systems and other weapons, also a brief history of military issued pistols through America's history and your rights as an american citizen to bear arms. Firearms, from early
First of all I am going to describe what exactly a shotgun is. A shotgun is designed to be fired from the shoulder. The shotgun fires a shell that holds numerous spherical pellets, also called shot when buying them from stores they are classified by the amount of
Firearms are classified into three broad types handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Rifles and shotguns are both considered “long guns.” A semi-automatic weapon fires one bullet each time the user pules the trigger, it will also eject the empty shell after
What is the greatest gift? It is not something you wake up with under the Christmas tree. It is not something you can use and then throw away. The greatest gift is more than that. The greatest gift is life.
This process was relevant to interpersonal gifting and after a couple of weeks I found myself with a case of ‘gifting anxiety’ because I have never bought a significant gift for my boyfriend before.
Throughout our lifetime, us as people decide to admire different objects, ideas, and people due to what pleases their thoughts and actions. The infinite examples of things we could’ve valued could’ve been toys, friends, book, etc.. But then we began to mature and begin to come out of our little shells to discover new products, views of the world, and new ways to advance in our technology and therefore influencing what we value today. And as I matured in my lifetime, I established a novel value to my parents the greatest.