
Compare And Contrast The Greatest Gift And It's A Wonderful Life

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What is the greatest gift? It is not something you wake up with under the Christmas tree. It is not something you can use and then throw away. The greatest gift is more than that. The greatest gift is life. In the story “The Greatest Gift” and the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, George is struggling in finding his purpose in life and he thinks that by killing himself he will retrieve it. Little does he know that a stranger has been watching over him and he is going to convince George that life is worth living not just by telling but showing. George wishes that he was never born and his wish came true. Now, George finds out what it is really like to not to be born and maybe more changes will happen than expected. The story, “The Greatest Gift” and the movie, “It’s a Wonderful …show more content…

The conflict is that George Pratt/Bailey is unhappy with his life and wants to resolve that. The climax is when George wants his life back more than anything after seeing how many bad changes happened to his surroundings. The resolution is when George realizes that he had a wonderful life all along and is proud to be living. The differences lie in the rising and falling actions. In the story, the rising action begins with George Pratt standing at the bridge and ready to jump off and end his life. When he is about to jump off he gets stopped by a stranger who asks him why he would want to jump. George tells him how he wished to have never been born. The stranger than said that he has not been born and gives him a bag of brushes telling him to have them with him so that doors will not be slammed in his face. George then sees subtle changes such as the bank being closed and the gash out of the tree non existent. He also finds that his kids are bratty and that Art has become an alcoholic. These events lead up to the climax of him missing his old life. In comparison, the movie’s rising action begins with angels talking about George Bailey and how they are going to

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