
The Influence Of Poetry During The American Civil War

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The American Civil War (1861-1865) was without question the most catastrophic and important war in American history. Brothers fought brothers and fathers shot their own sons in this war that split families in two. Over 600,000 Northerners and Southerners laid down their lives in a war that would fundamentally change the United States for good. The Civil War would come to define what America as a nation truly stood for and if we genuinely believed in the ideas presented in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal”. Because of the massive cultural impact that the war had on the United States, it is extremely well documented and as a result facts about the war are only as far as the closest textbook. However, if you want to dive deeper into the …show more content…

This literature invested the violence and trauma of the Civil War with meaning. As a result, poetry could be found anywhere and was much more widespread than it is today. Faith Barrett commented on this in her interview, “It was everywhere in newspapers and magazines, children were learning it in school…. Americans were encountering poetry on a weekly basis, if not a daily basis, in the Civil War era…”. Despite the massive quantities of poetry written during this era; and the immense influence that they had. Poetry written during the Civil War is still grossly overlooked and disregarded by scholars. To the point that whether or not Civil War poetry should be considered a “genre” is extensively debated. To answer the question at hand, of whether civil war poetry is a genre, you must first be able to truly define what a genre is. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a genre as “a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content”. By definition, poetry written during the civil war is almost certainly a

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