
The Importance Of Education In Education

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Everyone in this world has a different behavior, this difference in behavior can be explained because of their experiences through life. One of the most dramatic impacts towards the development of a person’s behavior is the way they were educated as a child.This is where the topic of is physical punishment the correct form of educating children or not?The opposing sides state that children should not be educated by physical means such as spanking because it affects the child’s mentally also, children who are educated by spanking tend to be more aggressive and parents sometimes just use spanking as their own personal stress reliever. People that have to refer to physical punishment to get their points across are just taking the lazy way of parenting. One of the biggest reasons why a child’s mental development suffers a drastic shift in a negative way is whether if they were educated through physical punishment or not. According to article posted in CNN , Spanking the gray matter out of our kids it states that children are affected in their development if they were spanked as a child. The article mentions a research that was done, the results were the following. “ Researchers found children who were regularly spanked had less gray matter in certain areas of the prefrontal cortex that have been linked to depression, addiction and other mental health disorders, the study authors say.” This means that the children who were spanked compare to the ones who were not had

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