Dog Park for Muscatine
Living in the city can sometimes become hard or stressful for a pet owner. We love our pets and we want them to be happy and heathy but space can be limited. This is why our city desperatly needs a dog park. It is against state ordinance for any dog to be out in public without a leash. So our dogs are mostly restricted to brief walks and limited play. Exercise and socializing are very important for dogs. A Lack of physical exersise can lead to a number of physical and mental health problems including becoming aggressive. A dog that is unable to socialize can not learn how to properly interact with other animals and people. Making the risk for dog bites higher. It has been proven that when a dog park was opened
I think dog parks are a good idea. Dogs need alot of exercise and play time. Many cites and urban areas just dont have the room for that to happen. But there are optoins there many open unused lots, and empty building that could be torn down to create these places. I am a dog owner myself i live in the country were open space is abundant. My dog Neno can run a play all he wants it's good for his health and mental state. When he doesn't get out he gets cranky and chews thing around the house. I grew up in a city of five millon, so i know how hepful a dog park can be to dog owners. You should always have your dog around other people, and animals,
To many complications will come from a dog park. Such as situations like a dog attacking another dog or even attacking someone else. This can cause a lot of upset owners. Also many painful court cases. Dog parks will bring up a lot of legal issues that we don't need.
Before you jump to the hasty conclusion that I’m opposed to a dog park because I do not have a dog, let me assure you I do have a dog and am aware of my responsibilities as an owner. The principal argument for a dog park is “exercise is important to dogs’ mental and physical health.” I would take this argument a step further and state exercise is also
First, dogs that dont have the room to be able to run and play could. Dogs that live in Rental units dont have space for them to run and you have to keep them on leashes. Letting a dog run and get exercixe could keep them mental and physical healthy. When you let a dog run for a while they become very happy
Limiting a dog's physical activity can lead to many other problems such as dog-bite reports increasing, crowded dog shelters, and bad behaved dogs. Adding a dog park will only befenfit the growth of city in many aspects. Property values will increase and lawsuits should decrease, because dogs are proven to be more well behaved when active and social with one another.
The need Muscatine, Iowa has for a dog park is a difficult topic. Dog owners have lamented over the fact that there is no safe and legal area for them to allow their dogs to exercise in. In oppistion non-dog owners feel that the construction of a dog park would hamper their ability to peacefully live their life. Whilst there are difficulties to building a dog park for the community, I believe the pros out weigh the cons.
There are more pros for a dog park than cons. I am for a dog park myself and would love the opportunity to let my dog off leash in a controled enviroment, with other dogs around. Even if this increased traffic near the park, property values may rise. If the dog park was controlled properly, by someone who enforced the rules this would be great for all dog owners and non dog owners
Some believe, dog owners shouldnt pressure the city to provide the community with a dog park, because its your problem not having the space and the place to walk your dog. But on the other hand, having a dog park is great for the dogs. Its physically and mentally good for the dogs according to the ASPCA.
The issue reguarding whether there should be a dog park in any city can be reasonably argued both ways. Some people say that the dog park would raise the noise level and disturb people's sleep, and this could be reasonable, except that in a city there are a lot more louder noises to worry about than a dog barking. Also, nobody I know is going to take their dog to the park at night time. Whether or not the dogs in your local city are feral or not seems a lot more important than keeping the noise down. Especially if dogs will be walking down the street instead of at a dog park, and there are always dogs in the city. This is supported by the dramatic decrease of dog bites reported anually in New York (40,000 to 4,000)after they could be a
I belive that dogs should not have to be on a leash all the time. I personally myslef have two dogs and they love to run and play catch, but it is hard for them to enjoy it being on a leash. I do agree that if they stay to themshelves for too long they will get protective and aggressive towards other animals and people. I would love to see a dog park put in this area just so the owners of the anmials can make new friends and the anmials themshelves can make new play mates.
First off it would cost the city a large sum of money, which could be used for city streets, schools, and emergency responders. The noise level of the dog park could cause nearby residents stress and lack of sleep. Which could cause them to be less productive throughout the day. Also if a bite related accident happened at the park both the owner of the attacking dog and the city can be sued. A dog park can be both good and bad for a city.
Safer conditions for everyone. It is important we keep pets healthy both physically and mentally, a dog park can do both. Dogs need exercise to stay healthy, in the area 68% of residents live in rental units an a quarter of those are apartments, can you imagine living your whole life in a small apartment only going out once or twice a day? Yet we expect our dogs to live like that. When animals do not get the proper exercise it can cause a starin on them mentaly resuluting in behavioral issues including barking and bitting acordigng to the ASPCA, this can put people at risk even young children. A reports states that dog-bites went down 36,000 per year in new york after allowing off-leash parks, That was potintaily 36,000 law suits right there that are elimantaed just by alowing dogs to get proper exercise. Exercise also reduces barking making it a more peasent
Most dogs act out when they are not getting enough exercise or play time, including barking and destroying home items such as furniture, shoes, or clothes. Some citizens live in apartments without yard space for a dog to run around, which means they would be stuck in an apartment all day except for short walks around the block. So building a dog park would be benificial to getting the dog out of the house to exercise and have some play time. Also at the dog park
Constructing a dog park in a residential area is a beneficial plan for any commuity congested with building complexes or townhouses. The fact is that dogs of most breeds are not banned and if the county is going to allow animals then adequate grounds for them to excersice and be in their natural outdoor habitat is pertinent. Yes their are nay sayers on every subject and idea, but the truth of the matter is that dogs are a not illegal to have. Pet owners that follow guidelines ans have licenses and leashes, they are responsible for training the animal to be obedient to their orders and everyone knows the better a dog is tooken care of, the gentler it will be. Dogs deserve and need free space to run yet should by all means have to be on a leash
I believe that they should put in a dog park because it helps the other side of the augument and hers a few raesons why. With out a dog park people and need to use there cramped up city back yards to do all there business and there isnt that much space for a dog that just wants to run. Also if there isnt a dog park other dogs cant socialize with each other making them more afraid or angery of each other causeing fights just because they cant be around other dogs or get the energy and space they need. Also this bad behavor or dogs cause may lead them to the shelters or put down and it your fault not the dogs. Putting in a dog park would benifit are city because people who have dogs will look for a city with dog parks and would want move here