
The Immigrant Contribution Summary

Decent Essays

Kennedy and Quindlen have similar writing styles; the main similarity is is how they use short sentences, outside sources, and quotations. The main difference, however, is how Quindlen uses a lot of questions, and Kennedy knows his information on the subject that he is talking about, and he doesn't feel the need of help from the reader or others, because he already knows the basic information. Both “A Quilt of a Country and” The Immigrant Contribution” discuss patriotism and immigration. Firstly, “Daniel Boorstin wrote,’ of all the nations in the world, the United States was built in nobody's image’” (Daniel Boorstin 14). This outside source or quote is explaining to the reader that the United States wasn’t very important, or a big deal to the people. Secondly, …show more content…

This outside source or quote is letting the reader know that immigrants wasn’t just a part of American history, but that they were American history. The type of diction these statements relate to are short sentences, outside sources, and quotations. Thirdly, Quindlen says, “What is the point of this splintered whole? What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to be always on the verge of fisticuffs with another?” (Quindlen 14-15). This outside source or quote is giving/asking the reader something to think about or to answer. Lastly, Kennedy states, “As we have seen, people migrated to the united states for a variety of reasons. But nearly all shared two great hopes: the hope for personal freedom and the hope for economic opportunity.” (Kennedy 24). This outside source or quote is telling the reader why immigrants came here to the United States, and it is giving the reader little information on immigrants. The type of diction that these sentences differ is how Quindlen uses a lot of questions, and Kennedy knows the information on the subject that he is talking about, and doesn't need the help or opinions from

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