
The Five People You Meet In Heaven Analysis

Decent Essays

The meaning behind the story is how one minor thing to one person can affect another person in major ways. So when the story says that they go with what they talked about throughout the whole book. The book shows how one effect that is positive, one that is negative, and how events lead to other events. The quote goes through great lengths & explains the whole story very well. The story shows how one affect goes into another. One example from the book is, “Take a moment when the ball flies over Eddie’s head and out into the street.” “Chases and runs in front of an automobile.” “races back to play with his friends.” (pg. 25 5 People You Meet In Heaven). This quote is just one side that shows an innocent kid running into the road trying to get a ball. This would be the good side because the quotes explain him going back and enjoying his life. Little did the kid know there is another side to the story. …show more content…

This side of the story is about a man who has fragile health and can’t afford for kids to run across the street to get a ball. “A man is behind the wheel of a Ford Model A, which he has borrowed from his friend to practice driving.” “Suddenly a ball bounces across the street, and a boy come running after it.” “The car skids, the tires screech.” “The man feels dizzy and his head drops, the automobile collides with another.” “The blood from his coronary arteries no longer flow to his heart.” ( pg. 25 5 people you meet in heaven). This relates to the quote because the more you read the quote the meaning changes. Each person is linked to another in some way shape or form. This is just some of what the quote has to talk

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