
Essay on The Role of Mrs Lyons in 'Blood Brothers' by Willy Russell

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The Role of Mrs Lyons in 'Blood Brothers' by Willy Russell

Blood Brothers is a play written by Willy Russell telling the story of two twin brothers that were separated at birth, as their mother could not afford to keep the both of them.

The mothers well to do employee, Mrs Lyons, hears of the mother’s problem and agrees to take in one of the boys and to raise him as her own. Later on in their life the boys meet up again and ironically swear to become blood brothers and friends forever. To begin with this unlikely friendship seems to be doing well but as the bys get older their different backgrounds push them apart. In this essay I am going to examine the role of the adopted child’s mother Mrs …show more content…

In this scene Mrs Lyons is very desperate to get her own way, she is persistent and persuasive towards the mother and does not give up till the mothers agrees to her idea. When the mother does agree Mrs Lyons is extremely happy and pleased yet she secretly fears the mother will go back on their bargain.

In order to show Mrs Lyons wealth the actress should be very smartly dressed for instance a business suit, as this would also show her authority. She should have her hair in a tight bun or down and sleek to show that she is a smart woman who values appearance this would also make her look wealthy. After her ‘great idea’ part of her hair should fall down her face as this would help show the audience her eccentricity and that she has come undone, as it were, and forgotten about all other things e.g. her appearance; she is solely thinking of what she wants, a child. The actress in the beginning of this scene, should hold her posture and make small hand movements to emphasise what she is saying, later on though, once she is getting her own way, these should change into large over exaggerated movements to show her extreme happiness and her falseness as she is luring the mother into a false sense of security.

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