The Crooms Academy Class of 1958 celebrated their 58th Year Reunion on May 19-22, with the theme - ”Ready for our 58 Class Reunion”. The activities began with registration on Thursday, May 19 at the Comfort Inn and Suites. A “Meet and Greet” event was held at the Red Lobster (Seminole Town Center) where classmates and their guest spent time renewing friendships and enjoying dinner. On Friday evening, May 20, a banquet was held at the Sanora Clubhouse which included a catered meal and crowd pleasing activities. Classmates reminisced about their school days, viewed a video of past reunions, and held a candlelight vigil for deceased classmates and Crooms founder and first principal, Professor J.N. Crooms. Expressions of appreciation were given
“It was pretty interesting,” Amber Gay said about the ceremony. “Representatives from the Millbrook Civitan Club came and they inducted us into the Junior Civitan Club.”
Arrayed in semi-formal attire students attended the 13th “Farewell Dance”, which was held in the Christopher Columbus Middle School gym. Each year a different theme is used and this year’s was “Circus”. The 278 member graduating class passed by a colorful, surreal entry of oversized lollipops before descending into the Big Top area.
For nearly a month and a half, Assistant Principal Stephanie Heman, with assistance from student council members, put together the assembly. From keynote speakers, flyers, accommodations, and seating, all the effort paid off when the gleaming faces of veterans in attendance filled the audience. The Cardinal Pride band played a series of tributes to the audience which received them with an abundance of applause; to conclude
The event began as a small 10-year reunion for the class of 1986 has now become one of the most anticipated events of the summer that welcomes alumni from different school years and even individuals from other schools.
If you are interested in reconnecting with fellow alum while planning campus events that promote diversity and inclusion, contact for more
The most memorable experience as a student leader happened spring semester of 2016 around April. It was the week before her sororities annual 5k color run that supports Houston’s Ronald McDonald House. Alpha Delta Pi signed up to have a table available on
You are cordially invited to attend the reunions for the Classes of 1980-1985. They will be held on Friday, January 15th, in Room fourteen of the Central Conference Center, 469 Grand Avenue East in Birmingham. Registration and the social hour will begin at 5:30 o’clock p.m. The dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the program at 7:30 p.m.
This event was inspired by the desire to create something to invite the rest of campus can come to.
National Honor Society describes the person I aspire to be. A person with character, leadership skills, and an honest person. I would love to be a part of a club that brings out the best within me. I do believe I have some of the qualities that are appropriate and needed to be in this club. I've always tried to help the people in my community and also around me whenever help is needed. I think that I would be able to help out others, just like the people who are in National Honor Society. I would like to be a member of the Lenoir City High School National Honor Society because I like what the club means and its purpose. Doing different projects and being able to help people would be really amazing. I would like to do things for others without
The Texas Southern University convocation was celebrated on Thursday 10th of September, 2015.However, this was an exceptional anniversary celebration for the school. The event started 10am prompt with opening prayer, followed by national anthem. Dr Thomas Freeman recognized Deans, Administrators, the first lady of Texas Southern University, faculties, staff, new students, old students, and all the attendees. The president of the Texas Southern University, Doctor John M. Rudely spoke on inception of the school, and how students should utilize the opportunity to be successful.
To close off the installation ceremony, Ms. Fern Bren, the Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel Services, gave a moving speech to all the students and thanked everyone for coming and thanked Ms. Filomena Daniels, the Arista/Archon Coordinator and even gave her a bouquet of flowers. The students then stood up filed out the auditorium towards the refreshments which included small wraps, brownies, cookies, and water.
Honoring Veterans, West Delaware High School participated in an assembly on Nov.11 hosted in the Handson Auditorium.The event was arranged and prepared by teacher Jorden Pollock, with seniors Nicholas Juergens and Bergan Bloomers representing the student body.
It would be a proud honor to be a part of the National Honor Society at Prairie. I would put in my finest effort to be an efficient contribution to this prestigious organization by having attendance at each meeting, supporting the club’s decisions, and doing any service I can to help out both the community and the club.
To begin this email I would like to discuss updates since my application. I have become eligible and applied for my school's National Honors Society. I have received A's in every course I have taken last year and this year. My courses this year include three AP classes and and two honors classes. While many students lose their drive during their senior year, I have continued to work my hardest and challenge myself with rigorous cources.
Before I begin, I would like to congratulate the Dominican Academy class of 2040 for their success in becoming intelligent women and getting into their colleges. It’s nice to see that Dominican has kept with their decision to dress you in wedding dresses and ship you off to symbolize your new union with student debt.