Students were crowded in the lobby dressed in black and white on May 22 anxiously waiting for the start of the Arista and Archon installation ceremony.
Arista and Archon are a part of a National Honor Society, which is a nationwide organization for high school students. Selection into Arista and Archon is based upon the four criteria of character, scholarship, leadership, and service.
Maqadus Skhi ‘19 said, “Arista/Archon means rewarding people that are willing to give back to our school community and help improve our learning environment.” Arista members were lined up outside the auditorium to the left while Archon members were on the right. Students in both honor societies were lined up in the lobby. While Ryan Channer ‘19 was playing
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Albina Kukic ‘18 and Brendan Mcerlaine ‘18 welcomed all Arista acceptees and then Joyce Chen ‘18 and Shawal Malik ‘18 welcomed all Archon acceptees.
Ms. Filomena Daniels said, “When the leaders give speeches, it’s very heartfelt, inspiring, and it’s a beautiful moment.”
Everyone’s attention was on Channer when he returned to play a musical interlude on the guitar. For the candlelight ceremony, there are three candles to represent scholarship, service, and character. The scholarship candle was lit by Selena Tan ‘18, the service candle by Malik, and lastly, the character candle by Stacy Miller ‘18. There was a struggle lighting the last two candles giving many a laugh and after many attempts, the service candle could not be lit.
“It breaks the tension in the room,” said Ms. Daniels. “It’s a really funny moment and it seems to be really consistent every
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Students lined up to walk across the stage to receive their Arista or Archon pins.
The new 2019 leaders were announced to be Allen Borshch ‘19, Tiffany Huynh ‘19, and Nimrah Naseer ‘19 for the Arista Honor Society and Sami Akhtar ‘19, Agnes Chen ‘19, and Tina Chen ‘19 for the Archon Honor Society. Arista leaders are selected by the highest GPA and Archon leaders are selected by the highest number of service credits. To close off the installation ceremony, Ms. Fern Bren, the Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel Services, gave a moving speech to all the students and thanked everyone for coming and thanked Ms. Filomena Daniels, the Arista/Archon Coordinator and even gave her a bouquet of flowers. The students then stood up filed out the auditorium towards the refreshments which included small wraps, brownies, cookies, and water.
“My first Arista ceremony was an amazing experience,” said Li Hong Zeng ‘19. “Being inducted into Arista meant that I’ve been doing a good job in the three years of my high school, it felt like my efforts are paying
I am privileged to be one of the remarkable students qualified to join Eureka High School’s National Honor Society. I have been looking forward to applying to this organization as it provides influential help in our society. I would be privileged to join this distinguished association because it would provide me with opportunities to get involved in my community. As a hardworking, helpful, and friendly individual, I feel that I would make an auxiliary member to this organization. I demonstrate the qualities that are necessary to join this prestigious society, including leadership, character, scholarship, and service.
The National Honors Society boasts of members with significant academic accomplishments, selfless hours of community service, and strong leadership capabilities as a representative of the school’s excellence. Becoming a member of the National Honors Society is a prestigious honor. As a student, I strive for excellence in my academics and have made the honor roll every quarter, showing my aim and dedication to reaching my highest potential. I try not to compete with other students, but with myself. My academics are the result of my hard work, and my dedication towards grades correlates to the dedication I have towards becoming a leader and a role model for the community.
For nearly a month and a half, Assistant Principal Stephanie Heman, with assistance from student council members, put together the assembly. From keynote speakers, flyers, accommodations, and seating, all the effort paid off when the gleaming faces of veterans in attendance filled the audience. The Cardinal Pride band played a series of tributes to the audience which received them with an abundance of applause; to conclude
The Honors College is, in fact, a partnership that links students from all over the world. As the inaugural class, we
I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming all of you into the National Honor Society, a group built off of high standards of achievement, not only in the area of academics but also in character and leadership. I congratulate each of you and your parents.
What is the National Honor Society? The National Honor Society is a student organization that recognizes well-rounded and deserving students in schools throughout America. The focus of the National Honor Society revolves around what can be referred to as the four pillars. These four pillars are Character, Service, Leadership, and Scholarship. To be accepted and honored as a member of the National Honor Society, you must demonstrate these four pillars.
The pillars of National Honor Society, scholarship, leadership, service and character, are the foundation upon which each chapter and its’ members strive to better their community and school. Service is what creates the National Honor Society, the actions of one done in order to help others or the community without any monetary or material compensation. Scholarship, the commitment and desire to learn; leadership, the initiative to take action in order to create results for a group of individuals; and character, the distinction that sets an individual apart from others, are the defining criteria of members. These four pillars have been quite evident in my growth and desires for the future. Throughout my education, I have found that it has been
To me, honor is being rewarded for my hard work in my academics and demonstrating the highest standards of honesty and reliability. Through my two-year position on the Cleveland Heights’ JV Volleyball team, I’ve learned the value of teamwork. In turn, I believe this has led me to become more creative in problem solving and contributing suggestions to continually improve the standards of my surroundings. In addition, I believe my past semester’s grades, which were all A’s, proves that I am capable of demonstrating a focus on achieving academically and diligently pursuing excellence. Thus posing as an example to my fellow students by representing the scholarly aspect of the National Honor Society.
As a sophomore, I am honored to be among the few students that have been granted the opportunity to be involved in the National Honor Society. I have many core values, that I feel qualify me as a leader in regards to my service to others and academic success.
Potential national honors society member Being eligible to be a part of the National Honors Society is a big milestone in my life. Thank you for considering me to be a potential member, I am honored that my efforts are being recognized. Throughout the past 3 years of attending Shenandoah Valley Academy I have pushed myself in order to become someone I will be proud of. I believe I should be part of NHS because not only do I have the academic qualifications, and my character reflects that I am a strong and determined girl who not only cares for the well-being of herself but for the people around her. I try my best to focus on being an example to others.
The National Honors Society is a remarkable and sensational opportunity for myself to take. I know that I should be in the Honors Society to better my future in education. When I think of my character, leadership, and service in the community I know it can be improved upon, but I do see the value I have developed in those traits over my lifetime. I believe that the Nation Honors Society should take me in and display its various favorable opportunities towards myself because of my growing, thriving traits.
Being inducted into National Honors Society requires a student to demonstrate all of the four qualities many of our role models in the present and in the past have possessed, which include: scholarship, service, leadership and character. As I’m considered a candidate for this group, I already possess the quality of scholarship and it is my duty in this paper to show that I hold the other three important attributes needed to qualify for this institution.
It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group. Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school.
While I’ve only been a member of the National Art Honors Society for two years, I’ve always been an active participant in the classroom, assisting and collaborating with my teachers and students. This year, I was elected Treasurer of the National Art Honors Society. The position of president was extended to me as well, but my teachers and parents convinced me to focus on my core courses.
Initial few years of ATA, I always liked to participate in ATA celebrations and enjoyed the programs thoroughly, but for the