
The Continuum Of Leadership Behavior

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As per the Continuum of Leadership Behavior, Joan’s style of leadership is definitely “authoritarian” because she wants the management to use their authority to make the official decision, and just announce it. (Lecture 9A-B, Slide 4). On the other hand, Henry’s style of leadership is “democratic” as he wants to give the employees the freedom to develop a plan that best suits their interests. (Lecture 9A-B, Slide 4). Frank will find himself in the middle of this continuum because he wants to present the tentative plan (developed by the management) to the employees so the management is able to determine the best skill fit for new positions after this consultation. The last part of this analysis includes Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid. …show more content…

First, it is important to make sure that you use the D.I.A.L.O.G.U.E Talk model. The purpose of this model is to encourage empathetic conversations in an interactive and collaborative process on an interpersonal and team/group meeting level. (Kehoe 105). While it may not seem intuitive, you have to start this talk model from the end. The “E” stands for “emotional self-management” which is about managing your “hot to cool feelings”, and showing an awareness of yourself and others. (Lecture 5C, Slide 10). Once you are able to calm yourself, you can commit to the “U”, which stands for “understand first”, meaning that it wants you to suspend any form of judgment, and only focus on what is “here and now”. (Lecture 5C, Slide 9). You must understand that the goal of this model, unlike the C.O.N.T.R.O.L talk model, is to encourage empathetic conversations and a problem-solving mindset. Now, you can resume the talk model from the start. The “D” in this acronym stands for “descriptive” and non-judgmental language. (Kehoe 105). This prevents us from using judgmental “allness” statements, and instead, more factual and valid information. (Kehoe 105). The “I” stands for “I-messages” which essentially keep up honest and reduces our need to judge others. (Kehoe 106). Some examples would be “I think”, “I believe”, and “I prefer”. “D” and “I” together form

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