
The Multidimensional Model Of Leadership

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After undergoing a dramatic and angst-ridden season, the Victorian Korfball Senior Team is in need of significant transformation if there is any hope of fostering a high performance culture in the new season. Due to their history of conflict, the players in their present state lack any indications of cohesion. Selecting the right athletes for the new team will play a significant role in the baseline level of cohesion. Each of these areas can be addressed through a method of careful analysis via the Multidimensional Model of Leadership (Chelladurai & Saleh 1978), implementation of an appropriate intervention and the structuring of a consultative leadership environment.

The scenario at hand is riddled with emotions and is hence sensitive and complex. Having been absent from the situation responsible for athlete conflict, walking into this coaching role without consideration for ones’ actions and the emotional reactions they would incite could potentially be detrimental (eg: further conflict, damaged relationships). As such, this situation needs to be mapped out and dissected for analysis. Application of the Multidimensional Model (Chelladurai & Saleh 1978) most appropriately addresses this, allowing complex situations to be broken down into three domains: antecedents, coach behaviour, and the resulting consequences. Each of these are then comprised of several subdomains; antecedents considers the characteristics of the coach, the players and the situation presiding over them;

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