
The Colonization Of Earth

Decent Essays

"What made you guys decide to leave heaven for earth?” I asked. He frowned before his face quirked upwards into a grin. "It was an experiment you could say. Jeqon and Asabeel dreamt it up. It was our mission to teach and civilize mankind. Before we colonized the earth, mankind lacked a lot of the basic knowledge taken for granted today.” “Fascinating” “For example: Azazel taught women about makeup, jewelry and men about swords and breast plates, fashioning them with the metals of earth, Semjaza curses and witchcraft, Kokabel astronomy, Baraqijal astrology, Araqiel meteorology, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Shamsiel signs of the sun and Sariel the moon. Those are just a few examples, there were many more. With us, mankind’s technology …show more content…

He jutted his chin as his eyes flickered. “Not quite. While you are correct that the pyramids of Giza, like the various step pyramids, Mastabas and temples found in Thebes were used as funerary complexes for the deceased elitist, there was more to the architecture than burial. The most important possessions of whoever was buried was placed in the funerary complex as well.” “Yes the Ka or soul was believed to be tethered to the mummified body. They also thought possessions could manifest in the afterlife through hieroglyphics, sculptures and paintings” “Then you would be aware everything buried within them is of significance.” He said. I nodded in agreement. “The king at the time commissioned craftsmen in Egypt in preparation for the deluge to construct pyramids which not only served as their resting place, but a storage place for vital papyrus scrolls that spoke of our presence on earth. “To think, all of this time the truth has been hidden in plain sight" I said. He grinned as he tucked me under his arm. "We are the missing link to many of the unanswered questions concerning evolution. Mythology revolves around our thousand years on …show more content…

Consider it a leap of faith.” He said. Clenching my eyes shut, I gulped like a programmed cult member inching closer towards the edge. “Here goes nothing.” I could feel him from behind watching and he crossed his arms, and I could sense his doubt as to if I would actually obey, but I knew it to be a test of my loyalty. Plunging forward, I fell through dead space. He must have been an angel of death, because I swear no good angel would ever manipulate me into doing something so evil. All of the sudden, a familiar hand wrapped around my torso, and I began to ascend. My eyes popped open to see he secured me in his arms. "I cannot believe it!" "You did not think I would let you fall?" He asked as he set me down beside him. "I was unsure what to think.” "Put your complete faith in me and I promise I will guide you." He said. I nodded, biting my lip anxiously. He scooped me up, steadying me in his arms, and flew away. My head relaxed on his pecks enjoying the cool, crisp night air. The wormhole reappeared and we reemerged in Los Angles outside my hotel room. I turned to him as his eyes glistened. “You were the one who sent me the

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