
The Code Of Ethics For Hiring Practices Or Procedures Based On Race, Religion, Marital Status, And

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1) This company will not discriminate in hiring practices or procedures based on race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age, gender, political affiliation, or country of origin.
As long as the applicant is of legal age to work in the country where the job assignment is to be located and that person is abiding by all citizenship laws applicable in that county, then no person should be denied gainful employment based on the categories mentioned in the Code of Ethics posting above.
2) This company will not discriminate in hiring practices or procedures based on physical deformity, physical limitation, or mental/ physical defect, unless the position is such that the posted position requires levels of mental and/or physical fitness that cannot be adaptable with modalities to enhance those applicants to fit the posted health and fitness requirements specific to the job.
There are many jobs at this company requiring the highest levels of mental, physical, and psychological fitness. If the applicant can perform the job as posted, then the candidate will be considered as a viable candidate, unless and until the process determines legitimate disqualifying characteristics exist. The job postings will provide all qualifiers that all applicants must meet.
3) Positions at World Global will be posted on the World Global International Airlines Official Human Resources Website. All inquiries and interactions will be made to and from this site.
These Positions can and will be

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