
The Characters Of Leadership In Simon Sinek's Leaders Eat Last

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Being any type of leader is never easy. The job comes with endless responsibilities including, but not limited to, taking care of your subordinates, getting the job accomplished, maintaining unit cohesion, all while keeping your superior leadership happy. Because of these reasons, we find both good and bad leaders everywhere. While Simon Sinek’s book Leaders Eat Last is not completely centered on the military, everything he says about leadership all relates directly to something in the Army Leadership Requirements Model. The opening chapter of the book tells a story about Captain Mike Drowley, commonly known as Johnny Bravo, and his courageous determination he showed during a Special Operations mission in Afghanistan. Even though the Captain was told to not preform this risky maneuver of a “weather letdown”, which would allow him to see what was happening on the ground from his aircraft, he decided it was the right thing to do. Even though he was ill equipped to handle the mountainous terrain during nighttime from his aircraft, he still decided to drop down into the combat zone and provide supporting fire from the air. Because of his decision, there were no American causalities that night. Captain Drowley did not receive any promotion points, performance bonus, or award for his actions. His reasoning behind why he did it was, “because they would have done it for me”. Captain Drowley exhibited a multitude of traits from the Leadership Requirement Model. Some of the ones

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