
Texas Supreme Court Case Study

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Texas schools systems are funded through a state program allowing for the bare minimum of education, any other substantial amount of money comes from the revenue retrieved based on property taxes from within the district. Some found this unfair to the poorer districts. They believe that this form of revenue was a violation of the equal protection part of the fourteenth amendment. It started as a class action lawsuit on the part of the families against the state of Texas.
The lawsuit started in a Texas district court, it lost there because they failed to offer any rational evidence that the system was discriminatory of the poor. Most courts to follow also agreed that the request held no real standing. As they got closer to the supreme court they shifted toward education not being constitutionally sound. Based on other states that also made similar decisions the Texas courts were going to continue fighting the appellate. Until it made it to the supreme court.
This case crossed the supreme court during the Warren burger court. Arthur Gochman and charles Wright argued for the appellees and the appellant respectively. It was decided on March 21, 1973 …show more content…

Political jurisprudence, by contrast, pays much less attention than normative jurisprudence to the internal logic of legal doctrines. Elizabeth Bussiere is an assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and is a fellow at the Mary Ingram Bunting Institute at Radcliffe College.The study of judicial politics has long been characterized by disputes between normative jurisprudence and an empirically oriented political jurisprudence.Yet, public law and critical legal studies exhibit important differences in their understanding of the legal doctrines that courts formulate to justify their

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