
Terrie Carrie Smoking

Decent Essays

“Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in the U.S., killing over 1,300 people per day.” (ALA). I chose to talk about the harmful effects of tobacco products. The commercial from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), because I think it greatly identifies the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. This commercial shows a women that was a former smoker, and the effects she deals with now.

At the beginning of the video it shows a picture of her when she young without any problems or disabilities. She is still fairly young in the video, 51, which shows how harmful smoking is. Roughly twenty to thirty years of smoking affected her in a severe way. This advertisement is mainly directed to the youth of today and people who are still smoking. I feel the ad is meant to scare people in a way to stop them from consuming tobacco products. There has been a study done that link tobacco and poverty or low income citizens. Tobacco and poverty low income people smoke more and die more from tobacco use.

I find this ad particularly appealing because it shows the state that she is in because of her tobacco use. This ad show Terrie after years of smoking. She was diagnosed with throat cancer. When Terrie had surgery for her cancer, her voice box was removed. Some people who have this surgery have an artificial voice box in order to speak. …show more content…

The CDC definitely tries to stress the importance of not using any tobacco products. I feel that this ad does a better job that most other smoking ads because this ad gives you an inside look and a personally view of an individual’s life and what she has to deal with. Other ads just state facts such as how many people died in a year, but people don’t really think about it or they think that they won’t be including in this statement. But I don’t anyone wants to live how Terrie is living because of

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