
Sympathomedullary Stress Definition

Decent Essays

What is stress, and why do we do it? Well… stress is the normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. Stress is found in all humans no-matter what age, size, gender, or race a person maybe. To understand stress, sometimes it is easier to know the psychology behind the whole thing. The psychological definition of stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a threat that we feel we do not have the resources to deal with. When your hypothalamus (located at the base of the brain) is activated, the situation a person is judged as stressful. The short term responses to stress are produced by Fight or Flight response from the Sympathomedullary Pathway (SAM). Long term stress …show more content…

Not all stress is able to be avoided though. If a teen can say no to certain things or habits, it will help them to avoid more stress in the future. Next, the teen(s) must alter the situation they are in. If they cannot avoid the stressful situation, they need to try and altering it. Teens need to make sure they go head on and deal with problems assertively. Then the adolescent must adapt to the stressor(s). Some situations a person cannot change the stressor. Instead of trying so hard to change the stressor,that you make yourself stress even more, reframe the problem. Reframing the problem means think about the positive things rather than the negative. By not doing this, a person makes themselves stress more. Finally, the teen(s) must accept the things that they can not change in their life. There will always be things that make teens stress, but they cannot do anything about it. That doesn’t mean stress because a person himself cannot accomplish it. It simply means that they need to look at the positive side of things and live life in the fullest. No matter how stressed out a person maybe, always remember to avoid, alter, adapt, and

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