Federally grant funded programs depend on stakeholders for sustainability of programs. Reporting and integrity of data is the lifeline that keeps programs accountable to stakeholders such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The term reach is used to describe the number of individuals a program is supposed to enroll. Reach is the numbers that are reported to the CDC, and as CDC stands before the legislature explaining use of federally appointed dollars. Why is the term ‘reach’ so important? What happens when a program reach or participants start to fall?
The Missouri Arthritis Program (MAOP) receives funding from CDC for self-management interventions to be implemented in all seven regions throughout the state. The Chronic
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The program is currently contracted off site from the MO DHSS and is housed within the University of Missouri Extension offices on the Columbia campus. The Program is governed by an advisory board that meets twice yearly at the Columbia program site.
MAOP has an existing program network that systematically delivers CDSME programs. MAOP and its seven Regional Arthritis Centers have partnerships including Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), local public health agencies (LPHA), University of Missouri Extension and federally qualified health centers (FQHC) for delivery and referral of programs. MAOP has expanded implementation and reach of CDSMP statewide, especially for older adults and adults with disabilities who have chronic conditions.
There are seven regional offices or Regional Arthritis Center (RAC) throughout the state (Appendix C), each housed at healthcare or educational facility. There is a RAC coordinator at each of the seven locations who is in tasked with keeping in contact with local leaders in their area and knowing information on classes in that
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The CDSMP has disseminated and has been implemented worldwide. A Meta-Analysis was done in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arthritis Program to determine the programs effects on health behaviors, physical and psychological health status, and healthcare utilization at 4-6 months and 9-12 months. Twenty-three studies from eight databases were analyzed. For this analysis, all were English speaking groups. It was found that more recent studies were more inconsistent, some showing completely opposite of another. Overall, there were moderately significant effects all psychological effect at 4-6 and 9-12 month marks. Depression showed an effect size ES=(-0.22) with CI=[-0.30,-0.13] and improvement in fatigue ES=(-0.16) with CI=[-0.21,-0.16]. All other measurements were not statistically significant. (Brady, Murphy, O’Colmain, Beauchesne, Daniels, Greenberg, Chervin
Arthritis affects over 10 million people in the UK alone. There are over 200 types with the main types being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid. Osteoarthritis, the most common form suffered by 8.5 million in the UK, is a wasting of connective tissue between bones. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), although less common, is more severe and accounts for less than 10% of arthritis sufferers in the UK (NHS UK, 2012). It is a painful condition causing swelling, damaging bone and cartilage around joints. Its progression and severity vary greatly between individuals but it can cause serious disability, having a huge impact on ability to carry out tasks in everyday life. For this
Friendship describes the mutual pledge to help reveal the innermost workings of a person, bringing out the hidden attributes and validity of one’s characteristics. Subsequently, the bonds and struggles of friendship are a central cause for unveiling identity as the relationship one makes contributes to long-lasting change. The acceptance of a person’s differences conveys an importance for the development of strong bonds. Moreover, hardships accompanying relationships establish times to reflect on oneself and lead to positive outcomes for growth. Furthermore, the memorable journeys embed an area in one’s mind that will change the way self-perspective is seen. Through the characters of Lewis in If I Ever Get Out Of Here by Eric Gansworth and
The book Slaughterhouse-Five, written by Kurt Vonnegut, is an anti-war book about Vonnegut’s exposure to the vivid events that unfolded during his time at the slaughterhouse in Dresden, Germany and how it affected him. The story is told by Vonnegut through the perspective of the main protagonist, Billy Pilgrim. Billy was a survivor from WWII and the Dresden bombing, but after returning he claims to have traveled through time to explicit memories from life and had been abducted by Tralfamadorians (aliens). However, in the film Slaughterhouse-Five, directed by George Roy Hill, viewers see slight changes to the storyline. Viewers notice that in the opening scene that Vonnegut’s friend Bernard O’Hare and his wife, Mary O’Hare, are never
Ng, N., Heesch, K., & Brown, W. (2012). Strategies for managing osteoarthritis. International Journal Of Behavioral Medicine, 19(3), 298-307. doi:10.1007/s12529-011-9168-3
When you think about the fact that Cancun is only a mere three-hour flight from Panama, it is easy to see why it may be a great place to spend a vacation. Sure, you love your home and may not like to spend a huge amount of time away, but there is a lot to be said about getting away from time to time. With warm beaches and waters as blue as the sky, you are sure to have a great time when you learn about the best accommodations in Cancun that can be easily booked with flights from PTY to CUN on Travelocity.
The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in the U.S is now estimated to be 1.29 million people or 0.6 percent of the population. This figure show a reduction from the previous estimate of 2.1 million people. The prevalence and incidence of new cases per year appear to be decreasing since the 1960s. although there is a decline, rheumatoid arthritis appear in women twice as
Huston states,” Joints are extremely damaged and the only thing that will help the pain at this point is replacing the joints.” She applies cold therapy to reduce pain in the joints and does range of motion three times. RA treatment includes disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), non-steroidal anti-inflammation drugs, and biologic therapy (Walker, 2012). Physician uses DMARDs as a common treatment for patient who just got diagnosis of RA, and the drugs have side effect that nurses need to educate patient about (Firth, 2012). Biologic drugs are another RA treatment available for patient. Biologic drugs are very expensive and their main target are cells, molecules, B-cell, and tumor necrosis that start the disease process. Hot and cold packs are common treatment used to reduce inflammation and allow client to complete their task, and move around (Walker,
Arthritis related statistics 2006, Division of Adult and Community Health, Health Care and Aging Studies Branch, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, and Health Promotion, 2006.
“Rheumatoid arthritis, RA, causes premature mortality, disability and compromised quality of life in the developed and emerging world (cdc.gov).” RA is the most common of chronic inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition; it is a chronic inflammatory polyarthritis, in which more than five joints are affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic inflammatory disease which it manifests itself in numerous joints of the body. The inflammatory process mainly affects the lining of the joints, usually small joints then leading to many other organs. “Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis that occurs in joints on both sides of the body. This symmetry helps distinguish rheumatoid arthritis from other types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis may also affect the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, blood, or nerves (webmd.com).”
More specifically, estimates of musculoskeletal pain range from 10% to 71% in elderly people, and 49% of older adults suffer from pain in their lower body (Jones & Macfarlane, 2005; McAlindon et al., 1992). Scudds (2000) showed that the most common musculoskeletal pain conditions found in elderly people were back pain (29%), knee osteoarthritis (17%), and rheumatoid arthritis (8%). Differences in estimates of pain prevalence relate to the complexity of the problem, and there is an inadequate assessment criterion to assess this problem, as
This cross-sectional, six-month study consisted of 72 Korean women with arthritis. The inclusion criteria were women 60 years of age or older, a prior diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis made by a physician, completion of a six-week aquatic educational exercise program, and residency in one of the Korean urban cities where the study was conducted. The required aquatic exercise program took place three times per week for six weeks in a standard swimming pool, which included therapeutic joint exercises and group
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the United States. There are many types of Arthritis affecting “54 million adults.” (Arthritis Basic 2017, January 20) The most prevalent of all arthritis is Osteoarthritis. It is also known as degenerative joint disease or “wear and tear” arthritis. (Arthritis Basic 2017, January 20). Osteoarthritis causes pain and daily physical limitations. Common limitations include daily activities such as buttoning a shirt, sitting or standing for more than a couple of hours. Osteoarthritis affects more than 30 million adults in the United States. The risk factors associated with arthritis are modifiable or non-modifiable factors. Some of these include age, gender, genetics, and obesity. Treatment
Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of muscle pain and disability and is most common in adults over 65 (Brakke, Singh, Sullivan 2012). According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting over 12.4 million people over the age of 65. Brakke, Singh, and Sullivan (2012) explain that as those who have this diagnosis is usually treated with physical therapy to decrease pain and disability. Different modalities used including strength training, electrical stimulation, manual therapy, and aquatic therapy are used by therapists to increase physical function, physical activity levels, quality of life, and muscle strength (Brakke, Singh, Sullivan 2012).
Pain is an internal and subjective experience that cannot be directly observed, assessed and measured by others. Hence, an assessment of a patient’s pain is critical to optimal pain management interventions. A systematic process of pain assessment, measurement and re-evaluation would help to achieve a reduced experience of pain, increased comfort, improved physiological, psychological and physical function, and lastly increased the satisfaction with pain management in the patients with arthritis (Sharon Wood, 2008).
Stroke is a major chronic disease; however, strokes can be prevented. Arthritis is another chronic disease that can be prevented. Arthritis is not as problematic as a stroke but arthritis can decrease quality of life dramatically as much or even more than a stroke. Arthritis can be caused by genetics and it can be caused by trauma of repetitive actions. CDM also needs to educate the community about how to prevent the lasting effect of a chronic