
Summary: The Missouri Arthritis Program

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Federally grant funded programs depend on stakeholders for sustainability of programs. Reporting and integrity of data is the lifeline that keeps programs accountable to stakeholders such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The term reach is used to describe the number of individuals a program is supposed to enroll. Reach is the numbers that are reported to the CDC, and as CDC stands before the legislature explaining use of federally appointed dollars. Why is the term ‘reach’ so important? What happens when a program reach or participants start to fall?
The Missouri Arthritis Program (MAOP) receives funding from CDC for self-management interventions to be implemented in all seven regions throughout the state. The Chronic …show more content…

The program is currently contracted off site from the MO DHSS and is housed within the University of Missouri Extension offices on the Columbia campus. The Program is governed by an advisory board that meets twice yearly at the Columbia program site.
MAOP has an existing program network that systematically delivers CDSME programs. MAOP and its seven Regional Arthritis Centers have partnerships including Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), local public health agencies (LPHA), University of Missouri Extension and federally qualified health centers (FQHC) for delivery and referral of programs. MAOP has expanded implementation and reach of CDSMP statewide, especially for older adults and adults with disabilities who have chronic conditions.
There are seven regional offices or Regional Arthritis Center (RAC) throughout the state (Appendix C), each housed at healthcare or educational facility. There is a RAC coordinator at each of the seven locations who is in tasked with keeping in contact with local leaders in their area and knowing information on classes in that …show more content…

The CDSMP has disseminated and has been implemented worldwide. A Meta-Analysis was done in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arthritis Program to determine the programs effects on health behaviors, physical and psychological health status, and healthcare utilization at 4-6 months and 9-12 months. Twenty-three studies from eight databases were analyzed. For this analysis, all were English speaking groups. It was found that more recent studies were more inconsistent, some showing completely opposite of another. Overall, there were moderately significant effects all psychological effect at 4-6 and 9-12 month marks. Depression showed an effect size ES=(-0.22) with CI=[-0.30,-0.13] and improvement in fatigue ES=(-0.16) with CI=[-0.21,-0.16]. All other measurements were not statistically significant. (Brady, Murphy, O’Colmain, Beauchesne, Daniels, Greenberg, Chervin

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