Based off the knowldege and facts of the last two articles and my own opinions ofcourse. I feel as though cursive writing is just a waist of time considering all time it takes to teach and how so many people including a certain amount of teachers cant even write in cursive. writing in standard form is alot more simpler considering that everyone can read it, and for cursive not to many people can distinguish the dialect and letters its alot more complicated then it seems. In the article "Cursive Is a Powerful Brain Tool" the main idea is that it seems to make your brain stronger then it would be typing or writing a essay or any such thing that has to with writing. I also caught in this article an opinion in paragraph 4 in the very last sentence
Did you know cursive takes away core subjects like Math and Reading? Well, it does and that’s bad because that means you could make you less smart. In my opinion, cursive writing should not be taught today. First, it takes too much time. Second, it’s frustrating for parents. Lastly, you can gain a life skill because cursive might be easy for you when you grow up.
Writing in cursive can also improve your brain function. In school, writing in cursive helps
To begin with, cursive writing inspires creativity. Now, most of the time people are using computers to finish assignments or take notes instead of writing them down. Instead of having to type notes and answers to assignments, being able to write things down forces you to formulate your thought and to slow down so you don’t make as many mistakes. In fact, those with good handwriting have brains that are more active in certain areas than
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you didn't have cursive, at ALL? Cursive should still be taught in school. Cursive can help you with your reading and writing skills. In fact, it can also help you read cursive. Mainly, if you can't write in cursive, you can't fill out documents and bills when you get older. I hope after you read my paper you will want to keep cursive too!
Putting print to paper simulates the brain like nothing else. writing in cursive shows that people improves brain development in areas like memory, thinking and language. writing on cursive simulates brain synapses and synchronicity between the right and the left hemispheres, this is absent from typing and printing. college Board found that students that wrote in printed for SAT tests scored a little bit lower than those who wrote cursive.
As pointed out by Penny Joy a curriculum coordinator of Plymouth Canton Community Schools, she quotes that “ normally she receives a lot more calls daily with parents asking her why her school continues to teach cursive than calls requiring that more time be devoted to teaching cursive writing”. She continues to say that “she sees no reason to continue teaching cursive in her school since they don’t have time for it”. They would rather allocate that time and resources to other industrious subjects and projects.
Handwriting, it is used by everyone, every day. But soon I believe that we wont need to hand write any documents. My handwriting isn't very great and my typing skills aren't either but in my opinion typing is the way of the future. Handwriting can have many benifits on the brain and how we comprehend things and understand them. In the passage, "Cursive is a Powerful Brain Tool", it states that writing by hand helps students process the material better. I personally agree with them on that, but it isn't the same for everyone. A lot of people prefer to take notes on their phones and computers or just record the audio version. If you do record an audio version of a lecture, then you can even input it into a computer and it will type it out for
I think, cursive should stay in school. Kids need it to sigh things for work or checks and even to buy things! Cursive was used way back in the day, which was all that was used. Handwriting is 50% of writing skills. Though it takes time from more relevant things it would help them out in further life. It’s hard to learn, most people forget it during their life people use it all over the world and if we were to stop teaching it kids and teens would not be able to read older people handwriting. In my opinion, cursive should still be taught in schools today. Most people don’t like it, I think cursive looks every good when done right.
In the article "Cursive Is a Powerful Brain tool" the author gives a variety of examples as to why cursive writing is a beneficial writing technique to students. Psychologists did a study on students who handwrote notes and students who typed their notes. In paragraph 2, the author states, "In one study, psychologists found students learned
I personally agree more strongly with the first essay. Writing is a huge part of the English language and cursive is almost historic. We sign our names in cursive, giving up on cursive would make us loose some of our own unique identities. Sure we have electronic sigure now a days (numeric password or thumb print) and sure we still need to learn how to properaly use technology but we still need a cursive signiture to help seperate us for other. It is absolutely astonishing how different all our cursive signitures are. Also If we were to give up on teaching cursive all together we would dismiss a chunk of history. In the past cursive is what our ancestors wrote in, If we were to move only to electronics we would be moving farther and farther
I think cursive writing should be thaught in all public schools and also in the private schools. It has been proven that it helps the brain. All student should be able to write cursive and not only type everything on a computer. Students now days use more electronic things than anything els it's a good thing but we should keep teaching our kids the important of cursive writing.
Should writting in cursive be part of a school's curriculum? I think that cursive writing does help a student be more knowlegable to other type of writing, it also can exercise their brain, and can help them remember what they've wote. I do think cursive writting is very important to teach in schools and shouldn't vanish from their education. I know we live in a different world where all we use is technology. We need to teach our kids what we once were taught in school.
"Is cursive a powerful brain tool? I believe that writing in cursive is very important. Penmenship is apart of who you are as a person. I honestly believe that it is a part of your identity. In gammer school we were taught to write in cursive because it is going to be apart of your daily life. Writting by hand in my experience does help me remember things much easier. I learn much faster by taking quick notes, which i can later use as information i need.
The auther says,"Writeing by hand helps people remember ideas better than typing.Writing helps you remember it better because you have to use your hand to write every letter therefore it sticks to your mind better. The texts says,'' Cursive helps with fine motor-skill development and stimulates both sides of the brain''. Cursive is harder to write so you can use both sides of your brain and it brings out creativity.The auther states,'' By neglecting to teach or learn cursive we are neglecting to exercise
Using pen impacts the brain like nothing else, in this time technology doesn’t come close to it. Learning to write in cursive is shown to expand your brain in areas of thinking, language, and memory. Cursive handing develops brain synapses and synchronicity between the left and right. There's something absent from printing and typing that writing has. Several College Boards have found that students who use cursive for the essay part of the SAT scored some what higher than those who print.