
Summary Of Hidden Intellectualism By Gerald Graff

Decent Essays

The general argument made by Gerald Graff in his essay “Hidden Intellectualism” is that, All people are intellectual but that intellectual side is hidden, People’s intellectual side usually emerge when they focus on things they are inquisitive in, maybe in academics or in sports as long as the person doing it is really passionate about it. More specifically, Graff argues that students in school should choose the subject that they believe will assist them and applicable to their skills because once they are force to study subject that is not relevant to what they want or they are not really interested in, they will just attend their class for a whole year without learning anything about it. That is because they are not willing to do it, their intellectual capacity will remain hidden for a long period of time. In addition the author writes, that “It was in these discussion with friends about toughness and sports, I think, and in my reading of sports books and magazine that I began to learn the rudiments of intellectual life”. This passage means that intellectual potential is not only gain by academic people, anyone can aquire it as long …show more content…

In my view, Graff is right that intellectualism is also present outside the school, not only on academics but also in sports and music, because even though you are academically great person and you graduated college with a degree there are still person’s out there who can overpower you in your own field although that person did not get a chance to go inside a school. More specifically, I believe that every person has its own way to learn or to be intellectual in the world we are living. For example you are not good in school but you still manage to get yourself up outside the school you are still considered as a person with an amazing intellectual

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