
Summary: Basilica Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe

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Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe When people go to a different country, they usually want to find more information about it. Some countries, such as Mexico, have much history. Mexico has one of the oldest cultures in all of history. 30,000 years ago, Mexico City was covered in thick sheets of ice. Located in the Valle de Mexico, Mexico City is surrounded by formerly active volcanic mountains. The earth underneath the city is unstable, so earthquakes are somewhat common. The culture and daily life in Mexico City is very unique. Everywhere people walk, they could see shops full of items ranging from religious statues to sweet candy. If they go to Mexico City on a special day, they will see beautiful Mexican dances and many funny street performers. …show more content…

He was a farmer who worked to support his poor family. The people he cared for the most were his sick uncle, Juan Bernardino, and his wife, Maria Lucia. Despite all his worries, Juan Diego walked nine miles to attend Mass every Sunday. Shortly after their marriage, Juan Diego and his wife decided to convert to Catholicism. They loved eachother very much, but it was not long before tragedy struck. Five years after their marriage, Maria Lucia died of a sickness. Not only that, but the condition of Juan Diego’s uncle continued to get worse. With everything going on, Juan Diego needed all the time he could get to …show more content…

According to Our Lady of Guadalupe of the South and the North, “She beckoned to him, and speaking his native language, she revealed that she was the Blessed Mother, and that she wished for a church to be erected on the hill. (36) She then ordered Juan Diego to talk to the Bishop, Juan of Zumarraga, about what he saw today. After talking with Juan Diego, the bishop grew suspicious of him. In the next two apparitions, Juan Diego was asking Mary to help him get the trust of the bishop, only to return getting trust taken away from him. Here is what My Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe stated about the following

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