
The Colonial Latifundio By Enrique Florescano

Good Essays

"Mexico In The Past"
Have you ever heard of Mexico and its history? Well, then we will bring some information about this topic. Mexico is a multicultural and multiethnic nation located in North America, between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. This beautiful country has a wonderful and dramatic history that was marked by the Spaniards during the conquest. The conquest made Mexico the country that it is today, due to all the good and bad events that happened during this time. For instance, the articles "The Spaniard's Entry into Tenochtitlan" by Barnal Diaz and Hernan Cortes state that “The Aztec emperor Moctezuma tries his best to persuade the invaders to turn back, but they were determined, and toward the end of 1519 they arrived …show more content…

But it is necessary to emphasize that the arrival of the Spaniards brought with it misfortune. According to Alonso de Zorita in his article “Why The Indians Are Dying” argues that “In central, according to one estimate, the indigenous population declined by about 85 percent in the century after the military conquest.”(122) This help to understand more about the consequences of the arrival of the Spanish and how destructive and powerful was the Spain with the now current Mexico. The other article that needs to be analyzed is “The Colonial Latifundio” by Enrique Florescano, he is his article says that “The large landholding, and its tendency to expand and profits at the expense of indigenous communities, would be a fundamental issue in Mexican life and politics until it is virtual destruction during the 1920s and 1930s.”(131) This quote shows that for a long period the Indians continue to be discriminated against and exploited without having the same opportunities as the Spaniards. On the other hand, in the book Mexico Profundo Batalla mentions that “The conquest was a violent invasion.”(79) These words make clear that the Mesoamericans were brutally attacked by the Spaniards that by the power could be able to finish with a

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