
Sumerian Dbq Essay

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Sumerian DBQ Did you know most of the things we use today were invented in Mesopotamia times? Thesis: Two contributions from the Mesopotamian Civilization were the inventions of cuneiform and Hammurabi’s Code. The Mesopotamians invented so many thing we use today! And one of their inventions was the handwriting which they called cuneiform. Cuneiform was invented by the sumerian people in 3500 B.C. Sumerians didnt have money, so the only thing they had to trade was what GOD gave them. Body Paragraph #1 Cumiem Form: (Doc. 1) Cuneiform was the first written developed by the Sumerians over 5000 years ago. Cuneiform was used in their religion because it was written in the temples. (OI) They used cuneiform to keep records, document

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