
What Is The Hammurabi Code Dbq

Decent Essays

Approximately 4,000 years ago Hammurabi, the King of Babylon, created 282 laws that were eventually put together to create Hammurabi’s Code. His code was the basis of guidelines that people were expected to follow. Hammurabi also became the ruler of Mesopotamia, the world’s first civilization where his code influenced the way people lived. Hammurabi’s Code tells us about how communication was changed by cuneiform writing, how Hammurabi lead his people politically and how currency affected trade in Babylonian Society. The creation of cuneiform writing changed the methods of communication in Babylon. Cuneiform writing was an ancient writing system that Babylonian people utilized and learned. Although we have descriptions of what the writing …show more content…

He was a ruler for 42 years with 30 of those years in Babylon. With all of the time he spent doing the same tasks, he became a very professional leader of the city-state. For example, in the epilogue of his code, he states, “If this ruler does not esteem my words… if he destroys the law which I have given, … may the great gods of heaven and earth inflict a curse… upon his family, land, warriors, subjects and troops (Doc B).” Although some citizens may see this as bad and hurtful, it shows the consequences that those who harm will receive, leading by example and teaching them the right thing to do later on. Hammurabi also explains his expectations so that citizens are not ruling against him in the future. Another example of Hammurabi laying down consequences is Law 195 where he states, “If a son has struck his father, his hands shall be cut off (Doc C).” Even though this may be thought of as a cruel and unusual punishment, the actions taken by the son are far worse than what would happen to them. Leaders make sure that they lay down expectations and help make tough decisions on politically charged actions and topics. Hammurabi was a great example of a political ruler and leader in Babylonian

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