
Students With Special Needs Essay

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There are a number of rules and procedures that must be followed when dealing with students in special education who receive instruction through their individualized education plan (IEP). These students in special education are protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) which is legislation that presides over the special education process for students until they reach the legal age of twenty-one. These laws that ensure that special education students receive a quality, free education but they can complicate the discipline process for school administrators. A normal school day in March 2008 changed drastically for a variety of stakeholders in the Sigourney Community School District. It was near the end of …show more content…

Of these four students, one was a student on an individualized educational plan. The student, a junior at Sigourney High School, had been diagnosed with dyslexia and was currently receiving individualized support in the area of reading fluency and comprehension. Mr. Kirby stated that he was at first very unsure of how to handle the discipline for this student. The other three students were disciplined according to the district's good conduct policy in the student handbook. For two of these students it was their first offense. They each received a three week suspension from all extra curricular activities for their violation of the good conduct policy. The other student had one prior offense school policy. This students penalties were more severe. He was suspended from all extra curricular activities for twelve calendar weeks, along with a 3 day out-of-school suspension. Superintendent Abrahamson dealt with the discipline of the student on the IEP. According to Mr. Abrahamson, hist first impression was that the student could not face the same discipline as other students due to the fact that he was on an IEP. He said that after researching about issues like the one at hand and seeking support from local Area Education Association director Bill Walters, the district understood the discipline process for the student at

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