
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Summary

Decent Essays

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that guarantees educational services to eligible students with disabilities. It establishes “people first” language for referring to people with disabilities. IDEA requires states to educate students with disabilities for transition to employment, and to provide transition services. IDEA also provides the students with a free and appropriate education If a student with a disability is expelled from school, IDEA says that he or she must still receive educational services. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandates that all students with disabilities take state and district testing. This law also requires a general education teacher to be a member of the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) team.
Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that outlaws discrimination based upon disability. It is an anti-discrimination, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met. Section 504 ensures that the child with a disability has equal access to an education. Section 504 does not require a public school to provide an individualized educational program (IEP) that is designed to meet a child's unique needs …show more content…

The Act also provides important legal protection for individual athletes of each sport. The Olympic and Amateur Sports requires that active athletes must hold 20 percent of the voting power of any board or committee It was put in place to determine how to correct factional disputes, between sports. The Olympic and Amateur Sports Act also had determine how to correct factional disputes, between sports organizations. This was depriving many athletes the opportunity to compete, creating the United States Olympic Committee. The act was a three-year study by the President’s commission on Olympic

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