
Spanking Your Child is NOT Necessary Essay

Decent Essays

Spanking Your Child is NOT Necessary

Spanking your child has created a firestorm of debate among parents and non-parents alike. There appears to be only two sides to the argument, those for and those against. Each offers evidence to support their case, and both sides are fervent in there beliefs. There are many parenting books, classes, and articles on the internet to help people through the process of becoming a parent. Each has there own take on discipline, but most I have read are against spanking. The idea of discipline has changed a lot over the years. My Grandfather had very stern rules when it came to punishment. My father on the other hand was a lot more lax. Now that I myself am a father, I am grappling with the …show more content…

The beatings a child will get could become worse. Most people are afraid to intervene on other parents. They believe it is not their place. So the chances of someone getting caught are not good. There has been a shift of late from a more liberal mindset, to a more conservative one. With that change I have noticed a pattern. More and more parents I converse with are pro spanking, even going as far to brag about it. It is not uncommon to hear people talking about how their parents beat them when they were children, and how they believe they turned out better for it. But there are numerous other accounts of how people were scarred emotionally, and physically from such abuse. I have too many times seen parents beating their children at stores, parks, and other very public places. This creates a cycle. Children who are spanked turn into parents who spank. Spanking usually starts out as a light swat, but over time can turn into much more. Studies show that the longer a person uses this practice, the more severe it gets over time. Children can be extremely frustrating, and that frustration can lead a parent to overdo any type of discipline. Child discipline should be administered and regulated by parents, not by a government entity. But it should be done so on a case-by-case basis. Spanking does not need to be the end all be all of punishment. Parents who use time outs have a chance to cool off and clear their heads so

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