
Spanking And Discipline

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Many people, ages forty or older, grew up in a household where parents disciplined. The two types of discipline was in the form of spanking or Time out. Spanking or Timeout tend to be a structured way of letting a child know that he/she has done something wrong. Many parents used these forms of punishment as a deterrent hoping the child would not make the same mistake twice but instead succeed. The question of what is the best way to discipline depends on what a parent experienced as a child. Different disciplinary can have a huge impact on how successful a child is in the future.
Spanking can make a child become more open to violent and depression behavioral, leading to them failing in the future. Jim Sims-Giles author of the “Child, maternal, and family characteristics associated with spanking” stated that spanking can have a long term and short term side effect. “ Having been spanked as a child and/or adolescent is related to later psychological problems including an increased chance of being depressed and thinking about suicide (Straus, in press), becoming violent and delinquent (Straus, 1991), and experiencing alienation and lower economic achievement.” Physical discipline can have an emotional effect on a child opening them up to become depress or turn to violence for relief. Spanking also can have a long term effect on a child’s memory. The article “Child, maternal, and family characteristics associated with spanking” stat that many adults can remember a time they

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