
Space Race Research Paper

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The Space Race had so many things happening while it was on. For that was because the Soviet Union and America were going at it so they both wanting to be at the top. They were trying hard to be so good and be better than one another. From that, they made so much advanced technology that we use today. For example, satellite T.V, Freeze dried food, memory foam, and tires. Those are such a few, there is more technology we got from the space race. Not only that but there were a lot of achievements from both the Soviet Union and America. It went from the first person in space to the first person on the moon. In between those two events, there were way much more things that happen that were exciting for the Soviet Union or America. The first achievement of the space race was the first person who ever been in space. He was from the Soviet Union his name is Yuri Gagarin. His mission was named Vostok1, the day he launched from earth was …show more content…

This made a big thing in history, I believe that everyone knows about the moon landing. The moon landing was on July 20, 1969 everyone around the country was watching the launch. The name of the mission is Apollo 11, which is one of the well-known missions. The men on the crew where Niel Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Niel Armstrong was the first man to land his foot on the moon. He had so many famous quotes while walking on the moon. One of the quotes is," Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed." Another one is," One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind." Those quotes are mostly known by most people. For the Americans, the moon landing was a big thing for them during the space race. Niel Armstrong puts an American flag on the moon when he landed. Some people believe that the moon landing was fake or a scene. During the mission, there were some difficulties, but they had fixed it. This was the 3rd achievement of the space

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