
Comparing The American Dream In Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

When you think of a dream you probably think of something that you want or something you strive to achieve and usually as long as you work hard it is doable. In this case we're talking about the American Dream. Our class for the past couple weeks has been focusing on this idea to see if it was really what everyone thought it was. We have talked about books,articles, and songs that give an outline of the American Dream, also we have been talking about several topics that relate to the American Dream including American Exceptionalism, Feminism, Marx Criticism and many more.
Two pieces of work that outline this idea are Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck and the song “This Land is Your Land” written by Woody Guthrie. In Of Mice and Men, …show more content…

As the book went on Lennie did some bad things that put their dream in jeopardy. I soon figured out that Lennie was not smart and George did not need him. At the end George “pulled the trigger”(Steinbeck 106) and killed Lennie to save his dream. I thought everyone had the opportunity to fulfill their dream. The first day of school we listened to a song written by Woody Guthrie called “This Land is Your Land” and it explains a place that is happy and where everyone can dream. As we started to talk in class we were presented with the other part of the song that shinded a light on the reality of the land we are a part of. In the song it states “As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking, Is this land made for you and me”(Guthrie 5). This shows just how easy someone can be folded by a false reality. I thought the statement …show more content…

As a class we read John Winthrop's City Upon a Hill. In this reading Winthrop says” For wee must consider that wee shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us” (Winthrop). This is a great example on how we think the rest of the world views us because of the fact that we put ourselves on a pedestal that is higher than any other country. Our country tries to do things in a big way do other countries notice us. From 1947 to 1989 the U.S had made great strides that would change our nation. One of these events was the Cold War, which was fought between the U.S.A and the USSR. The war led the two nations to start a technology war called the Space Race. This race would begin in 1957 when the USSR put the “first artificial satellite to produce signals from space” ( The space race), in the same year they were able to put the first organism in space. Following these events the U.S was finally able to put their first satellite into space in 1958 but for the next ten years the USSR was able to do four more missions that consisted of first man-made object to reach the moon, first living organism to return to earth, first craft to orbit earth and first photos of the far side of the moon. Even though the U.S was falling behind in 1969 they did something that the USSR could not accomplish,

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