
Sophomo Year

Decent Essays

For nine years of my life I hated school. It just didn’t make any sense to me why every child was required to go to school for eight hours and a hundred and eighty days a year. Many of the things I’ve been taught I feel will not have any importance in my life later on after high school, but it doesn’t matter, I still had to learn it whether I liked it or not.
Freshman year was one of the easiest years for me, I was in all regular classes barely learning anything and passing my classes so easily. It was so simple, I used to love having those classes since they didn't stress me as much. Sophomore year things were different. I was given all advanced classes and I did not like it at all. In these classes I actually had to study and work for the grades I wanted to earn. First marking period …show more content…

Sophomore year I was actually learning, I began to really understand what it means to learn something. In everything we learn there is always a purpose behind it. Taking my time trying to understand things in class has helped me outside of school also, it’s the same way with people. Trying to understand someone before judging them by their actions has definitely benefited me and my relationships with people. With people we tend to judge them based on their actions, but if we take the time to understand people more and hear their story we would know the purpose behind their actions.
I often misunderstand the actions of my parents but as I’ve got older I began to understand why they do the things that they do. As a child I always knew Mommy was at work almost all day and all night, I always knew we had to be watched by the babysitter because Mom and Dad were at work I always knew my parents were working but never knew why they would work so hard. Now that I am older and wiser I know it was the only way they could afford to put food in my mouth, clothes on my back and most importantly an

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