
Social Work Case Study

Decent Essays

This week I had the opportunity to shadow a social worker on the maternity unit. I had been looking forward to this experience and it proved to be one the most memorable. A 37-week pregnant woman came into the hospital for an ultrasound as she had expressed concerns of the baby’s movement. Unfortunately, the ultrasound revealed that there was no fetal heart rate. The nurses altered the social worker on the unit who requested that she would like to be there for the family when the doctor delivers this news. This was understandably the most tragic news to hear and witness. I believe this effected me at a personal and emotional level, where I felt the need to put myself in her situation and try to imagine her pain. I was able to express this to …show more content…

The family systems theory was used in this case which helped in determining the family dynamics and what supports they have to rely on. According to Skibinski, Yuen, & Pardeck (2003) this practice is dissimilar to traditional models of assessment such as the medical model, and the social worker’s assessment is guided by the social constructivist perspective. The couple also had a 4-year-old son which the extended family assisted in taking care off while things were transpiring. We could notice how this tragedy was impacting the hole family, so it was necessary to gear our intervention and resources based on the needs of the parents and their extended family. For the social worker seeing this support network and the family’s resilience is a positive sign in knowing that the parents are not …show more content…

She arrived at the hospital in the middle of the night and was experiencing contractions. Within few hours of admission, she gave birth to a baby boy. The patient was told that the baby would not survive at that young age. However, it was astonishing to hear that the baby boy lived for 1 hour 44 minutes. This was case different as the parents had already been through the traumatic experience and were now dealing with the aftershock. In situations like these parents are encouraged to see and hold their child at birth. There are also free photography services available for families to take photos with the baby and to keep them as mementos. While explaining this, the social work expressed that there are no right and wrongs doings (ex: if they take photos or not, or if they want to name their baby or not). This is a personal experience and the choices the parents make are not to be judged by others. The social work intervention is about balancing between the parent’s values and applying understandings of trauma informed practice. Especially since we always want to be conscious for early signs of postpartum depression. The social worker provided information on support groups, funeral arrangements, and arranged for a nurse clinician to do a home visit after discharge. Part of the intervention was also to provide loss and grief

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