
Sleep Restoration Theory

Decent Essays

Nathan Skemp Rawl 12:20 4/21/17 The Function of Sleep Almost every known animal on planet Earth spends a large portion of its life asleep. Humans who sleep an average of eight hours a night spend about one-third of their lifetime in this unconscious state of mind (Schenck). By logical reasoning, all scientists of merit believe sleep is important since we spend an entire third of our life participating in the activity, the disagreement between scientists occurs when discussing the purpose of sleep. There are many theories as to why we sleep, the latest arguments revolve around the restoration theory, brain plasticity theory, evolution theory, energy conversation theory, and the dreaming theory. Recent research suggests the combination of two theories to accurately represent the purpose of sleep, the restorative theory and the brain plasticity theory. These theories claim that quality sleep promotes restoration processes within the body and brain, as well as the physical development and growth of the body …show more content…

Therefore, the brain plasticity theory was created and so widely accepted by experts within psychology and other respectable related fields of science. However, there are other functions that occur during sleep that aren’t fully explained by the brain plasticity theory, purposes that become highlighted by the restoration theory. The restoration theory of sleep claims that “sleeping is essential for revitalizing and restoring the physiological processes that keep the body and mind healthy and properly functioning” (Foster). This theory suggests that REM sleep is what allows the brain and body to heal itself from damaged tissues, diseases, and toxins that may accumulate in the brain or body during the day. This theory splits the brain into two functions, awake and alert or asleep and

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