
How to Cure Insomnia

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Biology Issue Report
Subject: Why insomnia is an effective disorder and what solutions can be applied to cure it.
The problem
Biologists, Psychologists and Therapists have been trying to inaugurate a treatment for insomnia which has a negative effect on sleep. Deep sleep aids a “major biological restorative function” as it renews our physical energy. The issue is that insomniacs don’t sleep enough and that means they lack physical energy. (2)

Categories of Insomnia
• Onset Insomnia (Transient Insomnia): finding it difficult to fall asleep.
• Maintenance Insomnia (Acute Insomnia): waking up regularly during the night.
• Termination Insomnia (Chronic Insomnia): waking up very early and cannot sleep again. (9)
Symptoms of Insomnia
Insomnia or otherwise called sleeplessness is a sleep disorder where the human organism fails to fall asleep or to stay asleep. This causes the inefficiency of the human body to work properly. Insomnia may lead into many problems such as depression and even the increase of risk of heart disease. A person who suffers from chronic insomnia may suffer also from hallucination and double vision. (5) Some of the obvious symptoms (see – figure 1) seen when first having insomnia are sleeplessness during the day, getting tired frequently, having difficulty with memory concentration and petulance. (12)
Causes of Insomnia
People who show symptoms of insomnia are usually: older than 60, with mental health disorders, have stress or travel through different time

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