SDC Application Paper: Sleeping In order to be a successful student at USMAPS and beyond, a cadet candidate must employ a proper sleep schedule. While the mechanisms of sleep are only partially clear and primarily left to scientific speculation, everyone can agree that the vitality of sleep and circadian rhythms is indisputable. That said, while I go through the academic year, I have developed a plan to maintain my sleep habits and ensure that proper sleep will benefit me throughout my academic endeavors. While experiencing good sleep, I will unconsciously pass through five stages: 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM sleep (citation). According to the PL100 text, these stages progress cyclically from 1 through REM then begin again with stage 1, and usually, …show more content…
I will utilize my break periods and AI time—if I am not seeking help—for scheduling in my planner on what I tasks I need to complete in order to fall asleep on time. With 7-8 hours of sleep, …show more content…
Considering the restoration model, the concept explains, “Sleep recharges our run-down bodies and allows us to recover from physical and mental fatigue” (187). Considering this, days that I work especially hard in the classroom and in the gym I will follow up with a good night’s rest. In addition, because I am bombarded with information every day, from studying and homework assignments, I will be sure to create my sleep schedule while considering the memory consolidation theory, which states that during sleep the brain begins a gradual process by transferring information into the long-term memory (188). In light of these two reasons, my sleep and circadian rhythm management becomes even more essential. Experiencing this better sleep, my body and mind will refresh and my ability to pay attention and encode material in class will
I have completed the sleep assessment and I am not surprise with the outcome it gave me. The results showed that my sleep habits could be better. Some days are better than others, but generally, I do wake up drowsy and hitting my alarm clock once or twice. I admit, I usually stay up on my phone past midnight like any other young adult. If it is not my phone that is keeping me up at night, it’s usually my mind reminding me of all the stress that may be going on in my life.
Doing the sleeping inventory evaluation, I learned that a lot of the things I do daily that affect my sleep. An example would be, not getting enough exercise. Being physically active during the day will make you more tired at the end of the day which makes it easier to sleep and much faster! Something I do every night before I go to bed, is staying up late on my phone. You shouldn’t be on your phone, watching tv or reading a book in bed, because it can make it harder to calm yourself to fall asleep because you are focusing, I will give myself an hour to unwind before going to sleep.
Sufficient sleep is a biological necessity for the normal functioning of humans, it allows the body to rest and to replenish itself so that it is able to serve its function of living. In addition, mental and physical health depend on the amount of sleep we get. Most adults and students value work and college much more than sleep, this is due to the academic, career, and materialistic demands. Researchers have noted a positive correlation between lack of sleep and decreased physical health, mental health, and academic performance. Sleep consists of two cycles: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM), which are sleep patterns that alternate throughout the night. Firstly, sleep begins with non-REM sleep lasting about 90 minutes followed by REM sleep lasting 10-30 minutes, then the cycle repeats itself. REM sleep is the most important phase of sleep because the body is internally awake, with waking-like brain activity, yet asleep and externally calm. Thus, an uninterrupted REM phase of sleep is necessary for integrating previously learned material, and giving the individual a feeling of being well rested and refreshed. Many individuals will put sleep off so that more work hours, and school work can be fit into the day in order to get a better outcome such as job promotions or better academic grades, but I believe that sleep deprived people show a low performance in daily tasks due to suffering from mental, and physical health disorders.
Relevance: Sleep and college life often seem to bump heads. With pulling All-nighters, stress and socializing it makes it difficult when a college student has the freedom to sleep whenever they want but the work that goes along with college makes it difficult to have the best of both worlds.
At MIT, conversations like this are commonplace. I find it astounding that at one of the finest institutions of higher education in the world, home to some of the most brilliant students I have ever encountered, sleep is regarded as optional. We are a school of science and technology. Here, facts and logic reign supreme. Yet despite the overwhelming evidence pointing toward the necessity of healthy sleep, students are hitting the sack for far less time than is considered healthy for a typical 18-22 year old.
This stage is believed to help people enter deeper stages of sleep (4). Stage 3 sleep consists of 20-50 percent delta activity and stage 4 sleep of more than 50 percents delta activity (4). Stages 3 and 4 are characterized as being slow wave sleep in addition to being the deepest levels of sleep. Approximately 90 minutes after being asleep, people enter rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep (4). REM sleep consists of rapid eye movements, a desynchronized EEG, sensitivity to external stimulation, muscle paralysis and dreaming (4).
There are five basic stages in cycles I go thought when I am going sleep though out the night. Stage one, which lasts about five minutes, my brain waives becomes slower and irregular. Then I would go in to stage two, which lasts around ten to twenty minutes, I would have a regular EEG and less then 50 percent of this time is spent in this stage. Stage three is a short transition, which is made up of twenty to fifty percent delta waves. Stage four is around fifteen to twenty minutes, in this stage I have less than fifty percent delta waves and it is where I get the deepest sleep. Then I would cycle back through stages three and two before I enter into stage five. In stage five, which is called REM, which last ten to twenty minutes and I will
In a normal night of an uninterrupted sleep, you cycle through these stages about four or five times each and it takes about 90 minutes to go through a complete cycle. But the order within a cycle tends to go from NREM-1 to NREM-2 to NREM-3 and then back to NREM-2 before entering REM sleep, and then back to NREM-1, and then it starts all over again.
Many young people forget the importance of sleep in their lives when they begin their college career and should be reminded of how necessary it is. It has been estimated that "40% of
Each stage plays a different part in preparing you for the next day. There are two main types of sleep, Non-REM sleep and REM sleep. Non-REM sleep consists of three stages, each deeper than the last. These stages include transition to sleep being the first one, light sleep, and deep sleep being the last. REM sleep stands for rapid eye movement, in this sleep you do most active dreaming. The reason why it's called REM is because your eyes actually move back and forth during this
 There are five stages of sleep, REM and NREM stages 1, 2, 3, & 4.
Implementing Sleep Protocols to Reduce Nighttime Staff Interruptions to Improve Sleep in Acute Care Adult Patients
Kids always get out of thinking when it comes to make them sleep at night. With that children can have the most comforting sleep and make themselves get a better time all day. Kids are soft in nature and would like to get a better choice of living with parents and friends. For that there are a lot of things that need to remember. This is going to be beneficial in every aspect.
Exigence: Sleep is a humored concept among university students as the pressures of academic assignments, examinations and social life often robs them of precious hours of sleep. As a result of unequal
Sleep proceeds in cycles of Rapid Eye Movements (REM) and non-REM (NREM) sleep, cycling through the first for stages in intervals