
Skin Cancer Advertisement Analysis

Decent Essays

Over 750,000 Australians are treated for skin cancer each year. This could be due to the ignorance of lazy parents or the lack of education shared between societies. In order to break this chain reaction, the parents need to be targeted. Why bother directing this campaign at arrogant adolescences who believe they are invincible? You need to crack down on the more realistic parents who are aware of dangers such as sun and skin cancer. If my poster is chosen it will expose the seriousness of the matter to those who will listen. It is appealing and relatable to those I have targeted and it clearly includes a variety of advertising techniques. Skin cancer is one of Australia’s leading killers and it needs to be stopped.

My poster should be chosen …show more content…

The main aspect I have based the poster around is appealing tor emotions as it is the most effective way to persuade anyone. This can be seen in the main image of a parent holding their child’s hand, along with the words “you can’t be a hero if you aren’t there.” I have mainly focused on guilt as it is the most influential emotion. The parents will take the poster more seriously, therefore reaching my goal of persuading them to become safer in the sun. The second technique I have incorporated into my poster is association. I have linked sun exposure to skin cancer and death. This is visible in the hands that are riddled with cancer, and the words “don’t let the sun take you away”. This is effective as it reiterates the urgency of the cause, which would result in the viewers taking my poster more seriously. Therefore resulting in them being safer in the run. The slogan that accompanies this image also expresses another advertising technique I have included is call to action. Through my poster, I have expressed that more precautions need to be taken in the sun due to the effects it has on the victims. It is voiced in the images of the sun safe tips found at the bottom along with the wording “don’t let the sun take you away.” This is an effective and important aspect as it restates the urgency of the message behind my poster. In this specific …show more content…

We need to make a change now and make it a main priority. My poster not only targets the right audience through visual aids and aspects, but it also reflects a serious message that is hard to miss. It incorporates many advertising techniques that further emphasizes the seriousness of this matter. 2 000 Australians are diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Do you want to be another statistic? Don’t let the sun take you

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