
Six Principal Of Persuasion

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The Six Principals of Persuasion

Reciprocity is humans need to reciprocate a good or bad deed that has been done to them. In the context of persuasion it is the persuader offering something, such as a good or service, to the person being persuaded, so they feel the need to take the persuaders point of view
Scarcity is explaining that something isn’t readily available or is disappearing fast. For example a salesman can use scarcity to persuade someone to buy a product that is going out of stock.
Authority is using the statements of someone or an institution that holds a position of authority to support your statements. The World Heath Organization states that the definition of health is: The state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This is an example of using the Authority of the World Health Organization …show more content…

Did the persuader write down their argument on an online blog where they can be rebutted from anyone that reads the article or did they approach you in segregated location? The more publicly or permanently accessible the persuasion is then the more it appeals to the Commitment and Consistency.
Consensus is if other people share the same views as the person persuading. If it’s a view that many people hold, it carries more weight. This is because people speculate examples like, if all these people think that this brand is the best TV, then it must be pretty good.
Liking is how similar the person persuading us, is to us. An example is if I had 4 children, and the person selling me a washing machine also had four children, his persuasion for me to purchase the washing machine would be a lot more effective because he was similar to me, and I would see him as being able to empathize with my

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