
Similarities Between Proctor And Gamble And Unilever

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Proctor and Gamble vs. Unilever Over the past decades creating corporate social responsibility has become very important to companies in order to compete in their industries. It has become obvious to the public that corporations have so much power in society; so corporations efforts to improve society has become a necessity to many consumers. Corporate social responsibility is defined in our textbook as, “a business concern for society’s welfare”(Lamb, Hair, McDaniel 2017). When taking a look at Proctor and Gamble and Unilever’s goals to create stronger corporate social responsibility in society I have identified a few major similarities and differences. First we will talk about a few of the similarities that have been identified in these company’s plans. One similarity shared between these company’s plans is their focus on Gender inclusiveness. Unilever’s goal is to empower 5 million women by 2020, while P&G is also focusing on empowering women in many ways. One of the ways is by promoting work for women within the firm, in India they claim to have 30% of their plant workforce being women. Another similarity can be seen in their focus on enhancing lives through out the world. A Forbes article about Unilever outlined that, “the washing brand Persil has helped 10m children get an education whilst cleaning bleach Domestos has helped 5m people gain access to toilets”(Feller 2016). P&G has also shown is commitment to improving lives by teaming up with Habitats for Humanity to provide shelter for low-income families. According to Habitats website, “Nearly 2,000 P&G employees have built, repaired or cleaned homes with 12,000 families”(Proctor and Gamble 2015). The last similarity that I have found is both companies have set their goals for 2020 and have tracked their progress over the years. Unilever has focused on its three main goals and have further divided these goals into 50 goals in order to track their progress. P&G has done a similar thing by creating sub goals within each of their four major goals. Both company’s track and reported yearly progress for each of these goals.
There are a few major differences between P&G’s and Unilever’s plans. First off Unilever focus more on differences the consumer of

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