
Vera Bradley's Corporate Social Responsibility

Decent Essays

Corporate social responsibility is not going to solve the world’s problems. With that being said, corporate social responsibility is a way for companies to benefit themselves while also benefiting society. It allows companies to take small steps to make big differences in areas of need. Some may say that it is a bunch of “greenwashing” – the deceptive use of green marketing that promotes a misleading perception that a company’s policies, practices, products or services are environmentally friendly – but there is a call to action that inspires a company to get involved in the community (Kewalramani, Sobelsohn).
One company that has impacted Indiana through several facets is Vera Bradley. The company has earned a reputation as a leader in the …show more content…

In order to maximize Vera Bradley’s marketing potential, the company must consider ways to include its customer base, in addition to its employees, as part of the movement for social responsibility. Vera Bradley must engage its customers by offering a philanthropic incentive to get its customers to donate their time or means as part of the company movement. The company can offer its customers an incentive such as a small discount off of products in return for their efforts. Vera Bradley also can run a social media campaign that allows customers to describe their experiences of volunteering or donating money with a hashtag for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In order to promote this, every Vera Bradley product sold could include a small card describing the company’s commitment to social responsibility, provide suggestions for customers to get involved, and include the hashtag for customers to share their experiences on social media. This social media campaign could also be a way for customers to potentially put themselves in the running to win free merchandise. Vera Bradley could also come out with a type of marketing item that incorporates the company’s unique designs as a way for customers to wear during their time of volunteering. By creating an item that is part of customer’s volunteering, this can push Vera Bradley’s marketing by showing just how philanthropic and socially responsible they are as a company. This piece can be an item that is given to every customer with their purchase and give them the option to choose a non-profit of their choice. Pushing purchases based off an impact to a non-profit will allow the company to maximize profits as well as maximize their efforts to be socially responsible as a

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