
Ethical Issues In The Movie Remember The Titans

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or so many years our society has been thinking of forming new creative and innovative businesses, which would be more environmental and customer friendly. Nowadays a large number of different companies follow the social, ethical, as well as moral consequences when it comes to their decision making. One of the relatively new concepts involving economic and social concerns is Corporate Social Responsibility. Many of us apply this approach not only at work, but also in everyday life without even recognizing. The movie Remember the Titans consist of a few different examples of Corporate Social Responsibility. This movie talks about racism, white and black people who cannot easily socialize, because of their skin complexion. As we already know, …show more content…

This offer was very tempting, and I think that this was the moment when Coach Yoast experienced the biggest moral dilemma, whether he should help Boone or not. In the beginning of the movie Yoast was not enthusiastic about the fact that he needs to step down, and give his position to a new black Coach. Despite the skin color, Coach Yoast realized that together with Boone they share one common goal. This goal is to win. Coach Yoast ethical dilemma was decision during the game, whether to be a good leader, help the team and Boone, or to stay quiet and see what happens. Regardless of the white and black difference, Yoast was the Coach , a man of his word, not just a random football fan. He faced referees during the game, and that was a crucial moment where two colors started to vanish. To sum up Corporate Social Responsibility is an important element in our everyday life. These are the social, moral , and ethical consequences when we talk about decision making. It is an obligation which we face not only as a business entity, but also as individuals. I think that the movie Remember the Titans can be a great example to explain how Corporate Social Responsibility works, yet it can teach us healthy ethical practices, standards, and the most important

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