
Sigmund Freudian Clips

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Freudian Clips...
In 1923 Sigmund Freud authored a paper called The Ego and the Id, which is an analytical study of the human psyche. Called the Structural Theory, this theory categorizes psychological conditions into three divisions: the Id, the Super-Ego, and the Ego. The Id is best thought of as a newborn child driven by instinctive drives and impulses and seeks instant gratification. The Super-Ego is the multiplicative inverse of the Id, representing a "father figure" and a moral compass. The Ego serves as the mediator between the Id and the Super-Ego and takes into account external factors to derive a clear view of reality. The theory has spurred much discussion in the scientific community, but the concept is firmly seated in college psychology …show more content…

The Id-like person throws caution to the wind, takes risks without thinking through implications, and allows the dreamer in him to lead his actions. The Super-Ego-like person is highly risk-averse, needs to have near-perfect information before making a decision, and never, ever, swims until at least 30 minutes after eating. The Ego-like person has drive and is willing to take risks, but seeks to understand situations enough to take calculated risks as opposed to foolish risks.
While reading this, you may have thought of a friend or family member who fits into each of the above categories. You may have also slotted yourself as being predominantly Id, Super-Ego, or Ego-like. It also may be situational to where you are more Id-like in certain situations while you are more Super-Ego-like in others. As this specifically applies to starting and running your own small business, it is vitally important that you identify whether you are more Id, Super-Ego, or Ego-like and that you balance who you are with others who fit into the other categories; thus the following

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