
Should Technology Be Used In Schools?

Decent Essays

Schools all over the nation are looking to replace their textbooks with computers, but they are all wondering if it is a good idea.This has sparked controversy throughout the states because some schools want to take the plunge, however others are not so eager to let go of old teaching methods, maybe because they would have to rewrite their entire curriculum, which could take months to completely take over the old one. Yet still the sources say that because the amount of positive aspects of technology in schools outweighs the negative ones, new technology should be employed in an educational setting. The majority of the sources have concluded that technology is beneficial to students, and should be introduced in schools. Source A states that, …show more content…

No textbooks means that students will not have to lug around heavy bags and deal with the awful back pain that comes with them, this can motivate students more because they are not as tired from carrying around these heavy bags. According to Source D, “Pen and paper feel profoundly different to me now- they have the air of an inferior technology about them, the sort of contraption well suited for jotting down a phone number, but not much beyond that.” Basically, Source D is saying that the use of technology makes writing things so much easier it seems strange not to use it. In the case of a student, writing something such as an essay becomes less of a tedious task since instead of having to sit at a desk for hours upon hours writing and erasing over and over, one can simply sit down and tap away at computer keys. By saving time on writing the essay it will encourage students to actually go back through their work and check for mistakes or even add to it, which will greatly heighten the quality of a student’s essay. Those aren’t the only gains of technology, …show more content…

In her essay Source C suggests that, “ machines automate the production of attention-consuming information which takes our time.” What she really means by this quote is we are biting off more than we can chew. We are constantly surrounded by an influx of information that is infinitely changing but we are not taking any time to process this information, and because all of this is happening so rapidly we no longer think about the long term. We submerge ourselves in all of the latest news that is happening right now, we “live in the moment” and “live each day as if it were our last,” we live as though “The future is now” because we don’t like to think about what will happen in the times ahead, we only care about what is happening now, in Source C’s words, “ Everyone knows about the big problems, but their behavior focuses on the here and now…” Source C also insists that this over-stimulation affects children just as much as it does adults. Children have all these interactive toys that create sounds and actions for them, they no longer have to use their imaginations to create storylines for their toys. The fact that kids don’t use their imaginations anymore messes with their ability to process information for themselves, they will grow up expecting that any instruction they may need will be given to them, and when they finally do need to use their

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