
Should Technology Be Taught In Schools

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Although children spend about seven hours a day on tech devices, parents should not limit how much time children spend on tech devices. Children should not be limited because some children only comminicate through these devices, some children use teir devices for educational reason, and some children only know how to enternain themselves through their devices. If a child is limited on their devices, they will rush and mess up and there is no clue how nuts that child will go. First, children should not be limited because some children only know how to communicate through these devices they are using up to about seven hours a day. Yes, children should know how or should wrk on their commuication skills, but what about those that are home schooled? Those who are home schooled does not have a chance to communicate with many others and has not had much experience to even try communicating to others their appropiate age. The only chances for the ones home schooled to communicate correctly is if they travel around some. Children should not be limited on their devices they hold today for the communication they need. …show more content…

In public schools or non-public schools even, use many online classes or put paperwork onto the computers so they can go home and do it. Some may not have accsess to the web, but there is public libraries and some who carry phones can download applications from the Google Application Store, or even on the Google Chrome Application, FireFox Application, Explorer, or cetera. If children are limited on their technology devices and time is almost up, the children will rush and may or may not mess up if the assignment is due soon.. Children should not be limited on their tech devices because some use their devices for educational

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